Single, nerdy movie buff looking for a guy to enjoy a lifetime of movies with. ❤️
#boyfriend #single #singleandlooking #hbomax #nerdgirl #nerdygirl #gamergirl #nerd #gamer #nerdy #36ddds #36tripleds #moviebuff #cinephile #movies #moviedates #moviedate
Photo by IG@36dddss with the username @averyhornyvirgo, who is a star user,  March 28, 2021 at 5:17 AM and the text says 'Single, nerdy movie buff looking for a guy to enjoy a lifetime of movies with. ❤️
#boyfriend #single #singleandlooking #hbomax #nerdgirl #nerdygirl #gamergirl #nerd #gamer #nerdy #36ddds #36tripleds #moviebuff #cinephile #movies #moviedates #moviedate'
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