Community & Content Guidelines


Last Updated: June 18, 2024

Sharesome was created to provide a safe place to share adult content and one where everyone is free to explore their sexuality in a positive and mindful way. Everything on Sharesome was created by you, the Sharesome users. Our job is to make sure that Sharesome remains an open, consensual, and safe place, so everybody on the site can have a good time.

Sharesome is a safe space. A place where you can share and live out your fantasies and desires, contribute to the community and grow with it in an open and honest way, free from prejudice or judgment.

Sharesome is made up of a series of diverse communities built around topics. Not every topic might be for you, but we ask that you always be open-minded and non-judgemental. All the different topics are defined by their respective rules (enforced by moderators) and they thrive only through community participation.

Sharesome and its large and diverse communities can only exist if we share the same values and follow a basic set of rules. These platform-wide rules are enforced by the admins.

Friendly and respectful conduct will go a long way. The community will forgive minor slip-ups, but serious infringements will result in the admins taking immediate steps to ensure that everyone feels comfortable. 

The three most important basic rules

1. Age: The 18+ rule

We do not want to see any content of minors (people under the age of 18) or someone who appears to be a minor on Sharesome. These include images, videos, illustrations, computer-generated imagery, or stories, regardless of the amount of nudity (or lack thereof).

We also do not allow anything that sexualizes a minor, including fantasy content (e.g., stories, “loli”/”shota”/anime cartoons), that depicts, encourages, or promotes pedophilia, or child sexual exploitation.

2. Consent: The ‘No Involuntary Pornography’ rule

We do not allow the distribution of content showing any person in a state of nudity or engaged in any act of sexual conduct apparently created or posted without their permission. This includes content that has been faked.

Content of intimate parts of a person’s body, even if the person is clothed or in public, are also not allowed if apparently created or posted without their permission and put in a sexualized context (e.g., “creepshots” or “upskirt” imagery).

Additionally, do not post content of another person for the specific purpose of faking explicit content or soliciting “lookalike” pornography (e.g., deepfakes).

3. Copyright: The ‘don’t steal other people’s stuff’ rule

You should only upload content that you have produced or which you were given permission (either by license or by legal exceptions/limitations like fair use) to post on Sharesome.

If someone has taken your content and uploaded it on Sharesome without your permission, we will take it down. Check our DMCA page for more information on how to report copyright infringements.

Community Guidelines

These are the things we expect you and each member of our community to do when using the site:
Have fun with it!
Seriously, enjoy yourself! Sharesome is an open and welcoming space for a diverse group of people. Your openness is welcome here. Make the most out of this new social experience and put yourself out there! Join topics that interest you, read what other people have to say, participate in discussions and strike up conversations with people that catch your attention. Who knows, maybe you will even become a verified content creator yourself. We are just saying...

Mutual respect is important.
Having respect for one another is the key to any community, so do not be a creeper. Treat the other people on Sharesome the same way you would want to be treated and do not forget that being vulgar is not sexy. People do not come to Sharesome to be abused (unless of course, that is their kink, in which case, we do not judge).

Sharesome is a place for fun, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. We make sure that everyone can use Sharesome free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Users or topics that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.

Let folks know what you think.
Feedback is part of the experience, and when done with respect, can be a great way to make friends, tell stories, and make your time on Sharesome richer. So, leave comments, share ideas and remember: this is your world, make it rock.

Remember to play it nicely:
“I personally don’t like your outfit.”
…is ok.
“You look like a piece of shit in these pants.” not ok.

Keep private conversations private.
Private conversations between two users should stay private unless of course, the two people who were having the conversation both agree to it being posted publicly.

Do not spam – and limit cross-posting!
Keep your posts and comments meaningful and genuine. We all know some things are better said once – preferably in a deep, sexy voice, for maximum effect.

Nobody likes spam, except other than spammers. We do everything to protect you from it. This includes cross-posting. Anyone posting or sharing the same content more than three times a day anywhere publicly on Sharesome might face banning.

Sometimes users add a list of related keywords/hashtags to a post or topic,  and that is ok. But sometimes users add too many keywords/hashtags, oftentimes unrelated to the content of the post, in order to increase the visibility of said post. In cases like these, we reserve the right to e remove all keywords/hashtags and issue a warning. If it happens repeatedly, the user is out.

Privacy Violations / Doxxing / Exposure
On Sharesome, each person is comfortable with a different level of privacy. Some people do not mind using their full real name and others cover their tattoos in pictures. We decided that we do not allow some personally identifying or confidential information on Sharesome. This includes phone numbers, addresses, credit card numbers, social security numbers, unlisted contact information, or private photos of your ex's junk (no matter how remarkable).

Do not use Sharesome to deceptively obtain personal information.

Finding your private information online, posted by others, can also make way for harassment and threats to your livelihood. Doxxing (or Doxing) is a term used for sensitive information being shared on the internet, usually without the owner knowing about it. While info such as other social media profile names may be accepted, anything like real names, phone numbers, addresses, social security numbers, unlisted contact information are not.

We know that being exposed is a fetish for some people, and as long as they post pictures of themselves, that is completely ok. But the same rules for personally identifying or confidential information apply: No phone numbers, addresses, credit card numbers, or social security numbers. Do not “expose” other people if you can not provide 2257 documents like an ID and a model release. Only with these documents, we will treat that as “voluntary exposure”.

Content Guidelines

It is very important for us that you can be yourself on Sharesome!

Our content policy is not black and white, as we do not think it would be healthy for it to be so.

A lot of different things influence our content policy:

The first one is the law and the fact that laws are different (and ever-changing) in different countries. For example, there are obscenity laws in the US, Canada, and some European countries, that prohibit the content of certain topics, while in other countries those topics are ok.

There are also compliance rules to follow when we work with different business partners, like hosting providers, payment providers, or others.

Then there are our beliefs as makers of Sharesome. We (the employees, founders, investors) do not want to run a platform that contains content that we would oppose in our private life.

And then, there is you, the community. The latter applies to you as well. You do not want to be part of something that supports topics that you would oppose in your private life.

There is always a discrepancy between being non-judgemental and certain values. It is our responsibility to try to do the right things and create an environment where a diverse group of people can coexist in harmony.

The big and major idea behind all of these is: if it involves consenting adults and it poses no real health risk, it is allowed.

Every post on Sharesome requires that the person(s) in the post are identified, and that a source is added where to buy that content.
We’re just repeating Rule No. 1 of our basic rules.

Under no circumstances can someone post content that includes a minor, either partially or fully, suggestively (appearing to be a minor) or not, even if there is no sexual activity. 

We also do not allow anything that sexualizes a minor.

Adult diaper play is not acceptable. MILF, sissification, and diaper discipline is acceptable if no one is pretending to be a minor, but rather, adults are being humiliated by being treated like a kid.

Banned words (including any variations not listed):
Child (all variations: children, etc.)
Jail bait
Kid (all variations: kids, etc.)
Teen (Must be Teen 18+)
eighteen, nineteen etc. (Must be eighteen+ etc)
18, 19 (Must be 18+ etc)

Drugs / Alcohol
Did we not say consenting? Alcohol can make you think you can dance and texting your ex at 3 AM is a good idea. But it is not for an online community. Drunk or drugged people have no place on Sharesome. We are ok with people getting high, but they should do that in the safe space of their home, and together with friends and family.

Drugs or alcohol, or consumption of drugs or alcohol (real or simulated), or sexual activity with someone who is intoxicated or hypnotized (real or simulated) is not permitted. Smoking or showing weed/pot is not acceptable, even if it’s legal where you live. You also can not smoke a CBD joint or vape it.

You can smoke rolled cigarettes or vape, as long as there is no mention of cannabis or the suggested consumption of cannabis.

Open containers of alcohol are not permitted.

Images of drugs or drug symbols are not permitted. No marijuana logos or themes on clothing or background posters. We just need to completely stay away from anything drug-related.

Images of syringes are not allowed, even if there is a description explaining that the contents are NOT illegal drugs. 

Banned words (including any variations not listed):
Blacked out
Dab (in reference to concentrated marijuana - all variations: drugged, drugging)
Dope (in reference to drugs)
Drugs, drugged, drugging, etc.
Drunk, drunken, etc.
Hash, hashish, etc.
Hypnotize, hypnotized, etc.
Incapacitate, Incapacitated, incapacitation, etc.
Intoxicate, intoxicated, etc.
Paralyzed, paralysed, paralyze, etc.
Passed out
Sedate, sedation, sedated etc.
Sleep, sleeping, slept, slumber, snooze, etc.

You cannot post any pics or vids that display sexual activity (real or fantasy) between two persons closely related or commonly regarded as too closely related to marry is not permitted. 

​Roleplaying as stepsiblings is right on the edge, as long as it is made VERY clear that it’s a step relationship and they are not blood relatives. However, while we cannot be 100% sure, if we see twins, they are out. For the rest, we do check for similarities between the people involved and make an in-house decision based on that.

You can also not pretend to be a blood relative. There can be no depictions (real or fantasy) between blood relatives.

Referring to other people as mommy or daddy is acceptable as long as there is no suggestion of incest.

Banned words (including any variations not listed):
Daddy (stepdad, stepdaddy is ok)
Mommy (stepmom, stepmommy is ok)
Son (stepson is ok)
Daughter (stepdaughter is ok)

No! Put the cat down! Due to concerns of animal abuse, we do not allow the sharing of any content containing sex or masturbation with animals (this is known as bestiality) or between animals. 

We also do not allow people to look for others to participate in bestiality.

Also, content featuring animal genitalia is not allowed, as well as any kind of imagery hinting at sexual acts with or between animals.

While we value artistic freedom, we draw the line where human characters are involved with non-human characters (anthropomorphic characters). Sex or masturbation with or featuring people in non-human character costumes (vampires, aliens, etc.) is not permitted. If no sex acts being performed, and all cast members clothed, then non-human characteristics are ok.

Cosplay ears are usually acceptable, however, depictions of individuals wearing full animal/furry/creature costumes are not permitted.

Tail plugs are acceptable as long as the individuals wearing the plugs are not attempting to depict non-human characters.

Witches, vampires, elves, fairies, fauns or demons are considered non-human entities - AND simulated or real blood is not allowed.  

Illustrations of so-called sexualized furries (e.g., furry pornography, yiff art) are acceptable as long as the content within the hentai still must adhere to the rest of this policy.

Also, our strict rules regarding minors apply for furries as well, so no cub-age characters whatsoever on Sharesome.

Giantess content is acceptable as long as it also adheres to the rest of this policy.

Banned words (including any variations not listed): 
Dog sex
Farm Sex

Do not step on anybody’s balls. Literally. Or any other part of their body, for that matter. Crushing can lead to many injuries and even loss of reproductive capabilities.

We also do not allow any content that has to do with the crushing of any type of animal, either dead or alive, in a sexual or kinky context. Animals include, but are not limited to mammals, insects, and fish.

The crushing of inanimate objects is perfectly acceptable.

Blood / feces / urine / mutilation / vomit
No wounds or blood allowed. We do not want anyone hurting themselves for someone else’s pleasure. Several diseases can be transmitted only through blood. So, no visible real or realistic blood on Sharesome.

Also, the use of edge or picture instruments is not allowed. Elimination or the sound of elimination (simulated or real) of feces or blood is prohibited. Also, menstrual blood and fake blood are not permitted. Piercing someone's ears or nipples (or other body part) is not permitted.

If we see something brown coming out of your butthole, you are out of here. Different bacteria can live inside fecal matter. This is a major health risk, and we are not okay with that.

Important: scat play does not include diaper play, anal play, or enemas/clyster (whereby the 'bloating' is okay, while the 'ejected material' is not). Flatulence is acceptable

Urine: Urinating (simulated or real) IS permitted as long as it the model is not urinating on themselves or another person. Drinking or licking urine is not permitted. That means, peeing is allowed as long as no one is being peed on. For example, peeing into a glass, or onto the floor is acceptable. Peeing in your own pants/panties is not acceptable as this would be considered peeing on someone. 

Mutilation: Any form of body mutilation (simulated or real) is not permitted.

No Vomit / Puke. While we know it is a fetish for certain people, it is a big turn-off for most others. Plus, this may lead to health problems, like bulimia. Keep your food down.

Banned words (including any variations not listed):
Bleed, bleeding, etc.
Menstrual, menstruating, menstruation, etc.
Murder, murdered, etc.
Mutilate, mutilated, etc.
Piss, pissing, etc.
Puke, puked, puking, etc.
Urinate, urination, urinating, etc.
vomit, vomited vomiting vomits, etc.

No. There can be no weapons visible on the site and there must be no reference or inference to weapons in the title, description, or comments. Knifes, swords, blades, guns, including replicas etc are prohibited.

Forced Sex / Rape / brutality / non-consent
To clarify, this does not concern BDSM enthusiasts. Being tied up is not the same as being forced. On that note, roleplay is also accepted, if you do not go overboard. Content in which one of the people involved is seen as being in pain, crying, struggling, or being hit is likely to be reported and removed. 

Breath play is acceptable, as long as there is no depiction of being suffocated during, or while performing a sexual act, AND that there is no indication that the person may be in an altered state (and thus not able to properly consent). The person must always appear to be in control.

Depictions of choking are normally acceptable unless they appear violent or non-consensual.

Bondage, spanking, flogging, and other BDSM activities are generally permitted, as long as the depictions are not extremely violent and do not contain extreme welting or bloodletting. 

The use of handcuffs is ok, as long as everything appears to be consensual and the handcuffs do not leave bruises or blood marks on the skin.

The term "Slave" in the context of BDSM is OK, as long as it's not about human trafficking or a human trafficking theme, and not financial slavery.

While fisting is allowed, anything taking it too far and potentially endangering the people seen in the material is not. Keep it below the elbow.

Bite marks are awesome! Just do not overdo it. We said “marks”, not “wounds”. If we see permanent damage inflicted in any content, it may be removed.

Content that includes the following themes/depictions is not permitted: 
​- Abortion
- Being held without consent - forced/non-consensual sexual activity of any kind
- Caning
- Castration
- Cutting off of airflow
- Extreme spanking (purple coloration or broken skin)
- Extreme violence
- Extreme bruising, welting or bloodletting
- Gore
- Injury including bleeding, bruising, or broken skin
- Piercing
- Punching or kicking
- Sexual activity with someone who is sleeping or hypnotized
- Suffocation or asphyxiation (e.g. hanging by the neck, plastic bag over the head, nose and mouth being covered simultaneously, etc.)
- Stabbing
- Urethral or cervical penetration (anal or vaginal penetration is fine)

​Banned words (including any variations not listed):
Abduct, abducted, abducting, etc.
Asphyxia, asphyxiate, asphyxiation, etc.
Brutal, Brutality, etc. 
Black out, blacked out
Castrate, castration, etc.
Cervical, cervix, etc.
Chloroform, chloroformed, etc.
Force, forced, forces, etc.
Knock out
Molest, molestation, molested, etc.
Rape, raped, raping, etc.
Sleep, slumber, be asleep, etc.
Strangle, strangled, strangling, strangulation, etc.
Urethra, urethral, etc.

Horror / Snuff
This one is simple. Are the people in the material still breathing at the end? Cool. Killing is not sexy. This also includes material in which homicide is simulated or hinted at.

No. Just, no. We also want the people in the material to START OFF breathing, too. As stated before, even simulating necrophilia is not accepted. Actors may be actors; however, it gives the wrong idea of what the community stands for.

​Banned words (including any variations not listed):

Now, we get eating out. But not in that way. We do not need to explain why this is a health hazard.

Involuntary Pornography
We’re just repeating Rule No. 2 of our basic rules.

Do not post or share any sexually graphic content if you do not have consent for it.

Involuntary pornography can include:
- Images taken during an intimate relationship (including images you took of yourself and shared with the intent to keep them private);
- Hidden recordings;
- Images stolen from electronic devices (phones, computers, tablets, etc.);
- Recordings of sexual assault;
- Etc.

This includes content that has been faked. While computer-generated (e.g., CGI) porn is completely ok, we do not want to see your neighbor’s face photoshopped onto a porn star’s body, or a celebrity having computer-generated (e.g., CGI) sex with a hobbit.

Posting or sharing intimate images without consent is against both civil and criminal law. It is illegal.

Public content: All content that contains other people in the background of publicly recorded content is not allowed, even if faces are blurred. The consent of everyone in every public content is always necessary.

Hateful Slurs / Terms
We do not promote censorship and are passionate about our defense of free speech. But using a hateful slur on Sharesome to attack other people or marginalized or vulnerable groups of people, in public or private, is a big no-no.

Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability.

We use common sense to determine what is a hateful slur - or, to say it with Justice Potter Stewart's famous sentiment: "I know it when I see it."

Within the context of play between consenting adults, hateful slurs are only permitted in private conversations and between friends only.

An exception to this rule is using a slur when referring to oneself as a form of self-empowerment.

We also recognize that there are historical differences in how certain slurs are considered hateful or problematic. So, we make some differences in how we treat some slurs:
- Irrespective of context, we do not allow the use of the n-word ('er' variant) in a topic's title, description, or rules.
- Irrespective of context, we do not allow the use of any Nazi symbols or names anywhere on Sharesome.

Prostitution or in-person meetings
Mention of in-person meetings with users for any reason is not permitted, even if it is advertised as non-intimate.

No content can promote brothels or escort services or in-person meetings.

​​Banned words (including any variations not listed):
Prostitute, prostitution, etc.
Playdate, paydate, etc.
Whore, whoring etc.
Sex work

Do not promote or glorify self-harm
Any account found encouraging or urging users to embrace anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders; or to cut, harm themselves, or commit suicide will result in a suspension without warning.

Do not post violent content
Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual or a group of people; likewise, do not post content that glorifies or encourages the abuse of animals.

Deceptive or Fraudulent Links
Do not post deceptive or fraudulent links in your posts. This includes giving links misleading descriptions, tagging an incorrect “source” in a post, setting misleading click-through links on images, or embedding links to interstitial or pop-up ads.

Harmful or fraudulent activities
Activities that may be harmful to others, our operation or reputation, including offering or disseminating fraudulent goods, services, schemes, or promotions (e.g., make-money-fast schemes, Ponzi and pyramid schemes, phishing, or pharming) are not permitted.

Illegal activities
Any illegal activities, including advertising, transmitting, or otherwise making available sites or services or disseminating, promoting such activity are not permitted.

Copyright or Trademark Infringement
We’re just repeating Rule No. 3 of our basic rules.

Respect the copyrights and trademarks of others. If you are not allowed to use someone else's copyrighted or trademarked work (either by license or by legal exceptions/limitations like fair use), do not post it.

Full-Length Videos
On the same note as above, while we sometimes appreciate a nice movie from start to finish, that is not something we want to be doing here. Instead of the whole thing, you could post clips or cut scenes from it instead. It would also give you more things to post, wouldn’t it?

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
All the prohibited content listed above remains prohibited even if generated by AI. If AI images are based on a real person's likeness, consent, identity, and proof of age must be verified.

Deepfakes are allowed if consent has been obtained. For instance, you can use your face to create images or the face of another person who has given permission.

To clarify, if any content includes an image or strong resemblance to a real person without their consent, including the creation of deepfake content, it is not allowed.

Sharesome offers an AI Creator ( and Public AI Profiles ( 

You are allowed to share the content generated with Sharesome AI on Sharesome and other websites if you don't remove or alter the watermark on the content. You are not allowed to use the content for commercial purposes.

You understand that there may be instances where the content you generate by chatting with a Sharesome AI character may not meet your expectations. As with any emerging technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning systems continuously evolve, and improvements are made daily. As you humans change and evolve, our AI characters will change and evolve constantly for the better.

Please be aware that you are solely responsible for your actions while interacting with Sharesome AI. You must ensure that your interactions with Sharesome AI comply with applicable laws, regulations, and Sharesome's Terms of Use, in particular the Community Guidelines above.


Account Guidelines

Sharesome provides different types of verified accounts. If you apply, please make sure to meet the requirements for each of them. Violation of the following rules might lead to immediate account suspension or account demotion.

Every post on Sharesome requires that the person(s) in the post are identified, and that a source is added where to buy that content.

Verified user:

- You are an artist, illustrator, writer, amateur porn enthusiast/creator, and you might have a paysite where you sell your own content..
- At any time, upon request, you will deliver the 18 U.S.C. §2257 documentation to Sharesome for all individuals appearing in any uploaded content requested.
- You can send us proof that you own the paysites that might be linked to your verified user account.
- Your verification picture must match the content for all your Original Content (OC) posts.

Verified star:

- You are a pornstar/cam model/performer/content creator, and you have a paysite where you sell your own content.
- At any time, upon request, you will deliver the 18 U.S.C. §2257 documentation to Sharesome for all individuals appearing in any uploaded content requested.
- You can send us proof that you own the paysites linked to your star account.
- Your verification picture must match the content for all your Original Content (OC) posts.

Verified brand:

- You are a brand, you have your own website, and you post your own brand content.
-  At any time, upon request, you will deliver the 18 U.S.C. §2257 documentation to Sharesome for all individuals appearing in any uploaded content requested.
- You can send us proof that you own the website linked to your brand account.