UroDisco, Golden Shower Week: You’re in the proper spot just open up and let the fabulous Urine Twins fill you up… #goldenshower #golden #shower #golden #shower #urine #pee #piss #pissing #hot #wet #trump #watersports #watergate #urinegate #yellow #pussy #outdoors #twins #german
Photo by urodisco with the username @urodisco,  January 20, 2017 at 3:48 AM and the text says 'UroDisco, Golden Shower Week: You’re in the proper spot just open up and let the fabulous Urine Twins fill you up… #goldenshower  #golden  #shower  #golden  #shower  #urine  #pee  #piss  #pissing  #hot  #wet  #trump  #watersports  #watergate..'