Dalam gmbr ni wife xsedar yg aku record😬, sbb mata da tutup. Ni lps dia dah klimaks kali ke-3💦. Tak sabar2 suruh mskkn ... See more
Watch the Photo by Cocojambori with the username @Cocojambori, posted on June 17, 2019. The post is about the topic Malay couple. and the text says 'Dalam gmbr ni wife xsedar yg aku record😬, sbb mata da tutup. Ni lps dia dah klimaks kali ke-3💦. Tak sabar2 suruh mskkn btg,br ckp kt dia yg aku record. Dia tye knp xbt live je😱. Sbb kami penah main di hotel smbil bukak langsir dn ada org kt bgnan sblh..'