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sometimes I remember that there was a trend for bronies to try and make My Little Pony tulpas and lots of people got super into it, like asking for advice on mysticism forums and making meditation blogs where they recorded the process of visualizing their astral pony companion in excruciating detail
like, a startlingly large number seemed absolutely 100% serious about trying to manifest a My Little Pony tulpa
i sort of cannot believe this happened, like this is some certified Unknown Armies shit. bronies dedicate themselves to creating self-actualized, sentient MLP thoughtforms. holy shit. 
I wonder what happened to the people who were really serious about it. did anyone actually create a permanent unicorn dream-friend. how many people did it and then got over MLP and moved on and forgot about it. should we be worried about an army of resentful, abandoned pony tulpas galloping around the higher planes of reality. how many of these people tried to fuck their tulpa.
what i’m saying here is that modern fantasy literature needs to step it up because the actual real world is way, way more fucking weird than any secret-occult-underground story i have ever read in my entire life

I think about this all the time OP

ive mentioned this before but i was lurking on /mlp/ during the pony tulpa peak and i saw a thread where one nerd was like “help my rainbow dash tulpa is depressed and jealous and is telling me to kill my family! anyone else having this problem too?” it was wild

“anyone else having this problem too?“ like he’s reporting a bug in a bethesda game jesus christ

I know one guy who accidentally made a Nightmare Moon tulpa before tulpas were popular (she was really nice) and another guy who made one which in turn made its own tulpa. They both still have them I believe. #I #also #wanted #my #own #Berry #tulpa #because #she's #my #depression #waifu
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mariaalive added a photo to the album Mariaphilia.
I’ve been getting a lot of messages about Instagram lately, asking if I want to post more on there, go live more often… but what would you like to see on IG? It’s a lot stricter so I can’t exactly post fetish stuff there but I wouldn’t want to go full on ‘modelling’ pics again. Help me to help you! It’ll will be public, free to follow if someone could inspire this ol’ troll!  #maria #alive #mariaphilia #curly #hair #also #no #septum! #crop #top #otd #model #instagram ... See more
Photo by mariaalive with the username @mariaalive, who is a star user,  September 15, 2018 at 10:11 AM and the text says 'I’ve been getting a lot of messages about Instagram lately, asking if I want to post more on there, go live more often… but what would you like to see on IG? It’s a lot stricter so I can’t exactly post fetish stuff there but I wouldn’t want to go..'
Click here to see my full content!
JoonasD6 added a photo to the album Joonasd6. · Edited









This tree makes の sense.

*spits coffee*

Are you fucking kidding me.

#For the people who don’t know:#The character ‘の’ is pronounced as ‘no’#Also the tree is shaped like の#’This tree makes no sense.’#You’re welcome.


Actually that’s the language side—Japanese language, to be exact. We’re still waiting to hear from the science side of Tumbl
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Photo by JoonasD6 with the username @JoonasD6,  May 16, 2014 at 7:55 AM and the text says 'agentrodgers:









This tree makes の sense.

*spits coffee*

Are you fucking kidding me.

#For the people who don’t know:#The character ‘の’ is..'