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The Truth About Fiction by Tony James Now that I think about it, The fairy tales had it right actually, Witches are just really evil woman, Trolls have moved from under the bridge to on the internet and dreams have moved from our minds into reality. Even Angels themselves are real, they are the ones who set to do the impossible and have it happen anyway. It works like this…It’s a cycle. Reality Influences Fiction -> Fiction Influences Fiction -> Fiction Influences RealityIt Repeats over and Over….The Bible was made in a time where reality got distorted. So that means the legends, to some extent…were actually based on fact. As with most things though, that fact became fiction due to time. Dinosaurs died away to become Dragons, fact died away to become fiction and the truth died off till society was living a lie and nobody knew what to believe anymore. Makes sense if you think about it, I can vouch that the many germanic tales written in the past were fact. Alice in Wonderland, although not germanic was also true. That story was the after effects of a girl named Alice Liddell on the verge of going insane, Red Riding Hood was a story of bad parenting and a wolf attack. There was a time where people were indeed burned for being witches and there was a time when dwarves roamed the world as they did in the books. It all came from somewhere, only today dwarfism is considered a medical condition. I myself was nearly a dwarf. #fiction #fantasy #MUST #READ #Theologies #History #The #Bible #dragons #fairy #tales #Alice #In #Wonderland #Alice #Liddell #Lewis #Carroll #true #story #non #fiction #wise #words #inspiration #dreams #stories #TalesofMiseryandMayhem #myths #legends #facts #of #life #dwarves #witches #trolls #The #Brothers #Grimm #Grimm #Fairy #Tales #Germanic #Tales #bedtime #stories #lies #Folklore ... See more
It's not fair by Tony James It’s not fair, that life treats you this way.
It’s not fair that people have no right to be gay or who they are without being hounded for it or abused.
It’s not fair, the disabled are treated badly. That disabilities are looked at as bad and people who have them are made to feel sad.
It’s not fair that society has gone so blind that it can’t even see what is before it. It’s like the signs are all there but you all just ignore it.
It’s not fair that a man can’t just say hi to a woman without it being taken as a sexual advance.
It’s not fair that woman are objectified. That they are made to hate themselves because of what society calls perfection. They’re all beautiful, yet it’s not fair that only some see it.
It’s not fair that people have to create worlds in their mind, to take all the darkness of the real world and leave it behind.
It’s not fair people want to end their lives, that they hurt themselves after the world has hurt them enough.
It’s not fair kids are forced to do drugs, get in fights with the cops and eventually thugs. It’s not fair that young women are given the gift from god, the gift of a child they cannot always keep.
It’s not fair, that people wake up pissed at the world and go to bed unable to sleep.
It’s not fair, all this war, all those people that die.
All those innocent lives that have long passed us by. Can’t there be a moment of peace in this chaos? A moment of silence…to wash out the bad and forget all this violence.
I wanna see love, cause I’m tired of hate. All you creative people out there, you should motivate. Learn from the right people and make the right choices.
Then maybe one day we’ll all hear your voices.
God gave you skills, if you don’t use them you lose them, so stand up for yourself but don’t ever abuse them.
It’s okay to be you, cause who you are is fine, you may not be perfect but your Gods own design. #poetry #god #faith #the #bible #poems #society #war #peace #love #hate #motivation #revelation #wise #words #rhymes #sayings #speeches #voices
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