Two high school teachers with the Covina-Valley Unified School District have been arrested on suspicion of having sexual relations with students at the beach in San Clemente.
Right. People get upset at grownups having sex with “non-grownups” (who are usually much more grown up than grownups anyway), but no one bats a pubic hair at people having BAD SEX.
Ooh, and look, the last dude was with a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD. So, immediately after they wake up after their next birthday (given that they actually use the Gregorian calendar), they somehow have a moment of mental and physical enlightenment which gives them the ability to have really really great orgasms, give really really great orgasms, and know how not to get STD’s or pregnant (the list goes on), and most importantly, becoming proactive in all those necessary aspects of a healthy sex life.
I don’t think so.
I don’t care if you’re 16, 17, or 18. I don’t even care if you’re 13 or less.  You can learn about STD’s, their effects, and methods of prevention after developing a basic understanding of what “germs” are in general, regardless of age. A girl doesn’t have to be 18 to know what a penis is, the girth and depth of her own vagina, and the specific penis(es) to allow inside there, aka consent. In an ideal world, if she wants it in, no one besides her partner should have the right to say otherwise because she has been educated and knows exactly what she wants and doesn’t want. Her age should be irrelevant. Finally, there’s this thing called quality which, believe it or not, actually applies to sex. The earlier you learn to focus on it, the better your life will be in general.
And that is something money can’t buy. #sexed #sex #education #consent
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The fall of humans... …occurred when women deemed the sight of their vagina to be private property, and the scent and nectar of their vagina to be grotesque. Like planting a sign that says “There are not a thousand pieces of gold buried here!”, covering one’s vagina has the effect of making it more desirable rather than less or the same, while a communal failure to understand its functionality results in a lack of respect for it. #sexed #vagina ... See more
What guys think of lingerie So I was with a male friend tonight and we walked by a lingerie store (not Victoria’s Secret, btw). And he said, “I wish I had one of those waiting for me when I get home” and points to the mannequin display in the shop window. Inwardly, I was rather appalled, but as we kept walking, I quickly replied “we all do, we all do.”
I felt it would have been pointless and perhaps even offensive to start an in-depth lingerie discussion with him. I highly doubt he even noticed the colors of the three outfits being displayed (dark red, green and blue, if I remember correctly, and probably not in that order), or that he actually cared more about that than the novelty of a woman willing and ready to lay down with him. In that fleeting glimpse, he could have noticed so much more, but chose to make a crude sexist joke instead.
Lingerie is truly an art form. By my fleeting glimpse as we passed, and despite the embarrassment he inadvertently caused me to feel, I of course noticed the panties first, for their design is of more interest for me than bras. And beautiful panties they were. Sheer lace framing a solid, opaque, narrow crotch area. The thigh openings were pretty low cut and the waistband thick, allowing more fabric area for the lace to present itself. Yet within that lace, the opaque vertical diamond slit gave a strong impression of a thong. Panties within panties. While the design ensured no accessibility to the crotch area without having to remove the garment altogether, nevertheless its appearance was quite provocative and served as a beautiful addition to the naked female form.
Now. Look at a piece of lingerie (preferably modeled or on a mannequin) for 30 seconds at most, and write a paragraph about it like I just did. Can you? #sexed #sex #education #lingerie
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