Okay, here’s a piece of shit I’d like to draw your attention to.  I have no idea why this a-hole wrote to me, as I never “interacted” with this person.  The closest I came was seeing a “you might like this” post show up on my feed, which happened to be on their blog.  It was a post I actually liked, so I clicked “like”.  (Keep in mind, it was a non-sexual post)Now, if this fuckwaffle thinks that hitting a “like” is “interacting”, then they must think that someone looking in their direction is clearly wanting to fuck them.  That is a level of ego that makes me want to start swinging a crowbar.Second… this moronic shithead apparently thinks I’m 14.  I’m assuming they did look at my tumblr, which is geared more towards sex education and positivity… and thought, “oh they must be 14… because only 14 year olds write about the vasectomies they got.”  Because that’s a thing that all young men going through puberty do, right?  (And judging by my diplomas, I got my Master’s at age -1.  Hey, when you’re a genius, age ain’t even a number, am I right?)Also notice at the bottom… “this Tumblr can’t receive messages”.  So, they opened up their chat, frantically screamed their BS, and left so I couldn’t respond.  I went to their “ask” to inquire what the fuck was up, and return the politeness they extended to me, whilst correcting a few things.No reply.So, this shriveled up pile of dung is a coward.  Coupled with the condescending faux-parental comment at the end… we’re dealing with a good old fashioned schoolyard bully troll.Not so surprising, as there was one other post I saw with their name on it, a post that was on someone I’m following… and they were being an asshole there, too.So, since I have a modest amount of 7,000+ followers, why not make a public service announcement?  @vampire-rights-activist is a piece of shit.  Don’t be fooled by some of their posts, which you might think they’re a decent person…  heck, they might even think of themselves as such.  But they’re not.  They’re an egotistical shit-stain.  A trackmark on the tumblr community.Then maybe they’ll think twice before “interacting” with instant vitriol to  complete strangers they’ve never met. #piece_of_shit #bully #troll ... See more
Watch the Photo by comfysexuality with the username @comfysexuality, posted on September 24, 2017 and the text says 'Okay, here’s a piece of shit I’d like to draw your attention to.  I have no idea why this a-hole wrote to me, as I never “interacted” with this person.  The closest I came was seeing a “you might like this” post show up on my feed, which happened to be on..'