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I usually try to take a nap on my night shifts. The unit is always busy and the management expects a lot from us nurses; it really helps to catch even a few minutes of sleep on your break, if you can.

It's three a.m. and I'm exhausted. The machines around the unit beep quietly, and I can hear patients snoring. I'm trying to write my care notes, but my eyes keep drifting shut. If I can't go for break soon I might fall asleep in the nurses' station.

Cara, one of the new nurses on our team, sits beside me at the desk. I smile at her.

"Hey, 'Liv," she says with a smile. As she pulls a pen from her scrubs, her shoulder brushes along mine. A shiver runs along my body and the skin on my arm tingles.

She looks down at my arm and notices the small trail of goose flesh on my skin.

"Are you cold?" she asks, her deep brown eyes looking into mine.

I'm not cold, but I nod anyway. "Yeah," I say. "The night shifts get a bit cold, don't they."

She smiles and gives me a short hug, running her hand along my shoulder, like she's trying to warm me up.

Cara is absolutely gorgeous, even at this ungodly hour. Everyone else here looks tired, with puffy faces and bags under their eyes, but Cara has smooth skin and a bright smile. Her scrubs always fit her perfectly, tightly outlining the curves of her body.

If I'm being honest I've had a crush on Cara for a few months now, since she started working here. For a while I thought she might feel the same, but I think her flirty banter is just how she talks to everyone. I heard she has a boyfriend, too.

"How's your shift going, Olivia?" she asks me, looking into my eyes. Fuck, her gaze is really distracting. I put down my pen and give up trying to write.

"It's fine," I say. "Honestly, I'm really tired. Hopefully I can go for break soon."

"I'm supposed to go for break soon, too!" She smiles at me, touches my arm, and lowers her voice, conspiratorially. "Do you want me to take you to the best napping spot in the whole hospital?"

I nod, hoping I don't look too eager. I've heard too much hospital gossip, and my mind wanders: everybody I know has a story about hooking up on night shift.

With perfect timing, our manager comes up behind us. "Hey Cara, Olivia, you're good to go for break. We're overstaffed tonight so take two hours, okay?"

We both stand up and walk into the hall. I'm trying not to feel nervous but my heart is pounding expectantly. I hope Cara can't hear it.

She's walks just ahead of me, leading the way, and I try, unsuccessfully, not to check her out. Her long ponytail swishes down to the top of her perfect, curvy hips. We walk for a while until we reach a quiet hallway. We're the only people around.

She opens a door and gestures for me to walk inside. It looks like an old examination room: there's a stretcher and a couch, along with several blankets.

"I found this room while I was wandering around a few nights ago," she explains. "I haven't been sleeping very well since my boyfriend and I broke up." She sits on the couch and looks up at me.

I sit beside her. The couch is small and our bodies press together. Suddenly I don't feel quite so tired.

"I'm really sorry, Cara." I say. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"You're sweet, 'Liv," she says, giving my knee a squeeze. I feel another shiver run along my body. "Honestly, I think it's for the best."

"Yeah?" I ask, my heart pounding, and turn to look at her. "Why's that?"

She hesitates and looks in my eyes, then down at my lips. She opens her mouth like she's about to say something, but then leans in to kiss me.

Her lips push softly against mine. I slowly run my tongue along the opening of her mouth, and she sighs when her tongue meets mine.

After a minute she pulls away and says, "I've wanted to do that for a really long time."

I kiss her again, more urgently this time, and she moans softly. I hesitantly place my hand on her chest; she moans louder and moves her body on top of mine.

She's straddling me now, and I can feel myself growing wetter. I grind my hips into hers, completely out of control in my body, and can feel the warmth of her pussy on my thigh.

Slowly, she kisses her way down the side of my neck and licks small circles into my skin. My whole body tenses. I need her now.

"I want you," I say.

She looks in my eyes and nods. I take off her shirt and bra and kiss my way down to her nipple. I take one breast in one hand and kiss the other, licking her in quick circles. Her hips grind into me and she arches her head back.

In one swift movement, I push her off of me and onto the couch. She undresses until she's only wearing a thin pair of panties. Moisture glistens in her crotch.

"Take of your clothes, too" she says to me, her voice pleading.

I slowly remove my scrubs and shoes, standing in front of her in my bra and thong. Her hand reaches for mine and she pulls my arm, bringing me onto the couch with her.

We sit, facing each other, nearly naked. She reaches for my head and pulls me in, kissing me even harder. Her tongue pushes into my mouth and I can taste how badly she wants it.

I run the tip of my finger along her waistline, feeling her shudder at my touch, and push her panties aside. She is soaking wet. She kisses me harder and pushes the fabric of my bra aside to squeeze my nipple. My pussy clenches as she does, and I swear I could cum from this alone.

I slowly push my finger inside of her. She moans into my mouth as she kisses me, her nails digging sharply into my nipple as she writhes with pleasure.

"Fuck," she whispers, her lips still on mine.

I rock my finger in and out of her wetness, feeling her squeeze around me as I enter her. Her hips push into my finger, and I rub her g-spot in circles as she gently spasms, her lips pulling away from mine.

"That feels so good," she says, barely audible.

She leans back until she's lying down, and I take the cue to straddle her, grinding my clit against her leg. I kiss her neck and pull my wet finger out of her depths, reaching for her clit to massage it in small circles.

She's grinding me harder, now, her hips bucking up into my hand, like she doesn't have control over what she's doing. I feel her reach down for my clit, too, and we push into one another, hungry for touch. My chest pushes into hers, and the friction on my nipples is electrifying.

I've wanted this for so long, and the quick vibration of her fingers is pushing me over the edge. I feel my muscles growing weaker, then my whole body constricts, and I hear myself start to moan.

"Oh my god," I say, "you're going to make me cum."

She moans quietly, rubbing me faster. "Fuck," she says. "I want to feel you cum on my fingers."

My orgasm pulses in deep waves from her hand, pleasure coursing through my whole body. The feeling of her wet clit on my hand, and the thought of making her feel this good, makes me cum even harder. I moan into her neck and she pulls my body into hers, using her free hand to push my hips and clit onto her fingers.

When my orgasm stops I kiss her mouth, softly, and then pull myself off of her to sit on the other end of the couch.

"Here," I say. "Come sit on my lap."

She crawls toward me and sits on my pelvis, spreading her legs. My chest pushes into her back and I can feel the soft skin of her ass on my swollen clit. When she sits her full weight onto me, a small aftershock of pleasure rushes through me.

I kiss the side of her neck, licking the saltiness of her skin, and reach for her nipple. She starts to shake, softly, yearning for me to touch her again.

I touch her stomach, her upper thighs, and slowly return to her clit. I rub her faster now, side-to-side, and her back arches again. She moans, louder this time, and I don't care if anyone hears us.

"Tell me what feels good," I whisper to her.

Her hips gyrate again, rubbing her ass against my clit. I push up into her. In this position, our hips aligned and grinding together like this, it feels like I'm touching both of us at the same time.

"Just like that," she says, and moans again. "Fuck," she said. "Fuck that feels so good."

She starts to moan more quickly, small gasps of air escaping from her lungs.

"Oh, oh, oh," she moans. "Oh, I'm coming," she says, and her whole body contracts.

I rub her clit faster, and her pussy squirts a warm rush of fluid onto my hand. The wetness drips down onto my clit and I push my pussy up against her even harder, feeling pangs of pleasure as she rocks against me with the waves of her orgasm.

When she finishes, she leans on me, breathing heavily. I kiss her neck and the side of her face.

She smiles and looks at me. "Sorry you didn't get any sleep," she says.

"It's okay," I say. "I'm not tired anymore."

"You know," she says, "I think we work together again tomorrow night..."

#LesbianErotica #Fingering #PenthouseLesbians #VintagePorn
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Watch the Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste, posted on March 7, 2024. The post is about the topic Lesbian Lounge. and the text says 'I usually try to take a nap on my night shifts. The unit is always busy and the management expects a lot from us nurses; it really helps to catch even a few minutes of sleep on your break, if you can.

It's three a.m. and I'm exhausted. The machines..'
Our test is the next morning and Toni is nowhere to be found. All of my classmates mill around nervously, waiting for their turn in the examination room. Pair by pair, everyone is being called in. We're up next and there's still no sign of Toni.

"Where are you???????" I message, texting her for the sixth time.

Suddenly, the door of the exam room opens and the professor sticks her head out into the hall.

"Toni? Lane? You're up," she says.

I walk towards the door and look over my shoulder, just in time to see Toni rushing through the hallway towards me.

The exam passes quickly. Toni is steadier than last night, confident in her skills. We both complete the assessments in a few short minutes and are happy to find out we pass.

When we walk out into the hall, most of our classmates are gone. We must have been one of the final pairs to complete the exam.

To my surprise, Toni turns to me and looks into my eyes. "Can I talk to you for a minute? Somewhere privately?"

I nod and follow her as she walks towards an empty exam room at the end of the hall. Most of the professors have gone home for the day, and our classmates will all be in the library by now, cramming for our next test.

She sits on the edge of the examination table and doesn't say anything. After a moment of silence, she quietly says, "I'm sorry if I've been really weird around you."

"It's okay," I say. "Honestly, I kind of thought you might be uncomfortable around me because I'm gay."

She nods sadly. "I am. I've never been with a woman, and I -" she stutters and stops. "I don't know how to act. I can't stop thinking about you."

I nod, unsure what to say. "I've been thinking about you a lot since last night."

Her face blushes. "Yeah." she pauses. Quietly, she asks, "Can we do it again?"

She looks up at me. Suddenly, all of her awkwardness seems endearing. I remember how my first crushes on women felt, the rush of adrenaline and the inability to say anything without blushing.

I lean towards her and take her face between my hands. She kisses me more urgently this time, pushing her tongue into my mouth and running it along the edges of my lips. She leans back and pulls me on top of her.

I want to touch her everywhere, to feel the softness of her skin. I kiss the sides of her neck, running my tongue in small circles, and she sighs into my ear. Her hands run through my hair and pull my head closer to her. I straddle her and feel her hips grind against my leg.

Her hand slowly makes its way under my shirt and shyly reaches for my breast. She squeezes gently and I moan quietly into her neck.

She pulls my head towards her face and kisses me again, directing my hand underneath her shirt, too. All of her shyness morphs into an urgent desire for my touch.

I rub circles along her nipple and she pushes her hips into me more urgently. The warmth of her crotch on my leg has my heart beating faster. I need her. My clit swells along the hem of my panties; the friction makes me shiver.

I kiss her neck again and pull her shirt over her head. My tongue runs along the curve of her neck and I plant slow, wet kisses along the skin of her chest.

I'm kneeling over her now, and I pull aside the cup of her bra to take her nipple in my mouth. I want to taste her so badly. As I run my tongue along her hard nipple I can hear her moaning quietly.

I touch her everywhere I can: the soft skin of her stomach, the inside of her arm, and make my way along the inseam of her pants until I'm at the zipper, desperate to feel her clit between my fingers.

I reach for the button of her jeans and she says, "Wait, wait."

I keep licking her nipple and wait for her to continue.

"I've never done this before and I, uh..." She hesitates. I stop kissing her and look into her eyes. "I don't know what to do," she eventually says.

"I have an idea," I say. I sit on the end of the exam table near her feet and slide out of my pants. "Why don't I show you what I like and you show me the same?"

She pauses for a minute, thinking, and takes off her pants.

We sit across from each other, hesitant, and she reaches in to kiss me again. As her tongue slides into my mouth, I can feel her body shake with the movement of her arm as she touches herself.

I reach for the crotch of my panties and start to do the same. She's kissing me harder now, and her body bucks forward and back as she starts to feel waves of pleasure.

I slide a finger into myself and feel that I am dripping wet. I slide this moisture to the top of my clit and move side-to-side with slick fingers.

We continue like this until she quietly asks, "Can I watch?"

I nod, reach in for another deep kiss, and then slide to the end of the table. She leans back against the wall and spreads her legs. I do the same.

I can see how turned on she is, her vulva slick and shining in the light. She takes her clit between her fingers and rubs in slow circles, breathing quickly with pleasure.

I continue to pleasure myself, feeling waves of orgasm building. She's breathing even faster now, staring at my fingers and rubbing herself faster.

"Oh my god," she moans. "I'm going to cum."

I crawl across to her and kiss her deeply, touching my clit with one hand and grabbing her nipple with another. Her tongue slides against mine and she cries out into my mouth as she rubs herself faster and faster.

I feel myself nearing the edge, too, but stop touching myself. I want to wait and watch her. I lean back and take in the sight of her, her gorgeous body in the throes of pleasure.

She reaches for my chest, hungrily grabbing under my bra to take my nipple between her fingers. Her hips are bucking even harder now, and she's moaning louder and louder.

I kiss her to muffle the sound, and she pushes her hips into me as she cums, her fingers brushing along my pussy as she guides her clit through each pulse of her orgasm.

When she finishes, her breathing slows and she kisses the side of my neck.

"That was really, really hot," I say. She blushes as she looks in my eyes and then down at my waist.

"Can I try touching you now?" she asks.

I kiss her and nod.

She guides my head to the other end of the table and now she's straddling me. She licks her way down my chest as she guides her hands towards my pussy, her wet crotch grinding against my leg. She's soaked with her cum and the feeling of it on my body makes me want her even more.

Her fingers are gentle and quick at first, touching the skin above the hood of my clit and then exploring the lips of my labia.

Once she has touched me everywhere, she says, "you're really wet," and reaches for my clit. She kisses me deeply as she rubs my pussy. Unsurprisingly, she's timid at first, but when my breathing quickens and I start to moan, she rubs me harder.

While she massages my clit she kisses my neck, my nipples, and runs her tongue everywhere she can. The friction of her hands, her quickly moving fingers, is driving me over the edge.

"I'm going to cum," I whisper into her ear. She moans softly and continues touching me.

She kisses me deeply and the friction of her tongue on mine makes my orgasm break through. I cum in deep waves, moaning as her vibrations pulse through my clit. I feel myself grow wetter and my pussy contracts as my hips buck harder into her fingers.

When I am finished, I exhale and lie back on the examination table. I feel her eyes on me, staring expectantly. I look up at her.

"Can I taste you?" she asks, blushing again.

I normally need a few minutes between orgasms, but she's so gorgeous I can't stop myself. "Only if I can taste you, too."

This time I push her back towards the other end of the table and straddle her face. We're in a 69 position, and her pussy is inches from my mouth. She is hot and wet and I want to taste her so, so badly.

I slowly lick my tongue down her slit and work my way along her labia. She is sighing softly when she, too, reaches her tongue up into me. After I taste all of her wetness, I make my way to her clit.

I lick her pussy in deep circles. I alternate between fast and slow, and her pelvis grinds into my mouth as she arches her back.

Her tongue is wet and rough on me and I can feel another orgasm building already. Suddenly, I feel a finger, too: she pushes into my pussy and I contract around her. She reaches deeply into me and I gyrate on her hand.

I can hear her moaning into me, and the sound adds extra friction to the movements of her tongue. I swear I could cum again already.

I lift my mouth from her. "Does this feel good?" I ask. She nods, her tongue pressing into me harder.

She stops licking and says, quietly, "It feels so good."

I start tasting her again, rubbing into her harder, and I can feel her moaning again. Her finger pulses in and out of my pussy, and I am so, desperately close.

"Fuck, I'm going to cum," I say into her quietly, before I lick her even harder.

She starts moaning and fingers me even faster. My orgasm builds and swells. I nibble her clit between my teeth for a second before I cum loudly with my tongue against her clit. I feel my hips writhe against her face, and her fingers reach deep inside of me.

As my pussy rubs against her, she starts pushing her hips up into my tongue. I'm riding a wave of orgasm, feeling myself grow wet around her hand, when I hear her say, "I'm coming, too," and her clit swells against my tongue.

She's moaning now, even louder, and her noises drive another pulse of pleasure from deep within me. I moan into her pussy. As my tongue moves along her clit, her body tenses and she squirts a small stream of fluid onto the table. Her cum sprays into my mouth and I am wild with the taste of her.

When her writhing slows, I ease my movements and lick her everywhere as she moans softly, her body calming.

Eventually we sit up and kiss each other for a moment. I give her my sweater to clean herself and after a quiet moment she looks at me.

"Did I pass the anatomy exam?" she asks.

I laugh. "Yeah," I say, "You definitely did..."

#LesbianErotica #Lesbian69 #PenthouseLesbians #VintagePorn
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Watch the Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste, posted on March 6, 2024. The post is about the topic Lesbian Lounge. and the text says 'Our test is the next morning and Toni is nowhere to be found. All of my classmates mill around nervously, waiting for their turn in the examination room. Pair by pair, everyone is being called in. We're up next and there's still no sign of Toni.

"Never have I ever had sex in a kitchen," Kim says and the room erupts in laughter. To my surprise, the rest of us - including Andrea, the bride to be - all must have done this, because we take a drink.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on - Andrea, what the hell! I've never heard that story," Miranda yells, playfully smacking Andrea's arm. Miranda is Andrea's childhood friend. She and Kim grew up in Andrea's neighbourhood, and I could have sworn there were no secrets between them.

Andrea is blushing and I can see that she's getting drunker as the night goes on. Her friends, after all, know a lot about what she's done over the years, and asked just the right questions to make her drink as often as they could. "I don't know if I should tell this story..." she says.

"What if we all go around and share our stories? Will you tell us yours, then?" Kim asks. Miranda and I nod.

"Fine, I guess..." Andrea says. She's not normally this shy - I'm really curious what her story is going to be.

"I'll go first," Miranda says. "When I was with Kevin - "

"Ew," Kim jumps in.

"Yes, ew, Kevin," Miranda replies. "We decided to try and spice things up one night by having sex somewhere new. We looked up some new sex positions to try and started doing it on the counter. It was fun for a while, but then I put my hand into the butter dish, which killed the mood pretty quickly."

Everyone laughs.

Kim tells her story next. "A few years ago, I brought this beautiful guy home from the bar. But I hadn't washed my sheets, so I made him come to the kitchen with me. I pretended it was because I was super kinky, but really I was just embarrassed that I hadn't cleaned my room."

Miranda laughs and then looks at me. "Okay, Jess, your turn."

"Well, there have been a few too many times to count," I say, trying to keep it vague. I barely know some of these girls. "But let's just say that a counter is the perfect height to go down on someone, and it doesn't hurt that the mat in my kitchen is really plush."

"How scandalous!" Kim squeals. The other girls laugh.

"Okay, Andrea," Miranda says. "Your turn."

Andrea turns bright red and says, "Uh, well, I don't know if I shared this story with you, but a few years ago I brought somebody home from the bar. She was a bit more, um, adventurous than I normally am, and - "

"Wait, wait, wait - you brought home a woman?" Miranda asks.

Kim's face is shocked, so I can tell she's thinking the same thing. I have to admit that I'm also pretty surprised. I'm openly queer - Andrea knows this, of course, since I came out when we were in college - but she's never mentioned this experience to me.

"Yeah," she replies, looking extremely uncomfortable. "It was right before I met Jake which clearly got pretty serious after." She points at her engagement ring.

"Damn, Andy! I didn't know that about you." Kim says, smiling.

"Me either! I guess we have our next question, then," Miranda says. "Who's hooked up with a woman before?"

I sigh and take a long drink. Andrea and Kim both blush and do the same. I can't believe that people are still scandalized by this. It is the 21st century...

"Okay, wow, I had no idea. I need all the details, please." Miranda says, looking at us expectantly.

Andrea is still blushing, so Kim jumps in.

"Well, I had a few threesomes over the years, which were really fun. I never thought I would find myself sexually attracted to women, but once we started I got really, really into it..."

Andrea has finally stopped blushing. "Yeah, same," she says. "I had never seen this happening for myself, but then I was tipsy at the bar looking at somebody beautiful out of the corner of my eye, and the next thing I know we were kissing in the cab on the way to my place."

Miranda looks at me, waiting. "Well, I'm queer, so..." I trail off. I probably won't say more than that.

Miranda looks at Kim and asks, bluntly, "What did you do during the threesome?"

Kim looks right at her and answers, "All of it." She takes another sip of her drink and continues. "At first I was a bit uncomfortable. I didn't really know what to do, and wasn't sure what I wanted to try. But she was really attractive and we started slowly. By the end of it, well, there wasn't much I hadn't done..."

"Wow," Miranda says. She takes a big sip of her drink.

Andrea is nodding. "Obviously I'm really happy with Jake and I can't wait to get married," she looks down at the ground. "But part of me feels like I didn't really get to explore that side of myself."

"Have you talked to him about this?" Kim asks.

"Yeah, a bit. I don't think he would be interested in having a threesome or doing anything in a group, but he did say he wouldn't mind if I did it on my own. In fact, I think the idea turned him on a little bit..." Andrea is blushing again and clearly deep in thought.

I take this as my cue to refill my drink from the big bottle of wine on the coffee table. We're renting an apartment in the city, and I can see the watermarks from past parties staining the table like the rings of a tree. If you count them all you can probably estimate how many bachelorette groups have been here before.

"Wow," Miranda says. "Have you thought about doing it at all?"

"I don't know," Andrea says. "On the one hand, I really, really enjoyed myself that night. It was some of the best sex I've ever had. But on the other hand, there haven't really been any chances to do it, and I don't even know where I would start..." She pushes her long, red hair away from her face and I can see how flushed she is. I wonder if she's getting turned on talking about this, like Miranda clearly is. For someone who's never had sex with a woman, Miranda sure is asking a lot of questions...

"What did you like most about it?" Miranda asks.

"She was really, really good at oral..." Andrea answers immediately.

We all start laughing.

"Honestly, I've never met a man who could make me cum as fast as I did during those threesomes. Her fingers and tongue were magical," Kim adds, taking another drink of wine.

Now I'm starting to get turned on too. I can feel myself growing warmer all over, the blood rushing to my lower body. I did not expect this conversation, and these women are all beautiful.

"What about you, Jess?" Kim asks. "Do you have any steamy stories to share with us about your experiences?"

"Nothing in particular," I say. "But I do agree that some of the most amazing sex of my life has been with women."

Everyone nods except Miranda. "And I've never even kissed a girl!" She says, pretending to cry. "I feel so left out!" I think she's kidding, but I can't imagine she's being this forward with her childhood friends.

"Well, we could try playing a different game..." Kim suggests. Now she is blushing too. I take another gulp of wine and feel myself getting buzzed. I really did not expect the night to take this turn...

"What's the game?" Andrea asks.

"Well, it's like spin the bottle but a bit more... adult. You still have to kiss whoever the bottle lands on, but if it lands on them more than once the group gets to pick what you do to each other."

Kim drains the last of the wine bottle into her cup and gives it a spin on the table. After a few wobbly spins, it points to Miranda.

Miranda looks at Kim and leans in. She gives her a quick peck on the lips and quickly pulls away.

Andrea, drunk and bold, yells, "That does NOT count, Miranda." I start to laugh.

Miranda starts to blush. Kim adds, "Yeah, come on. I'm not THAT gross. You can give me a real kiss"

Miranda laughs and leans back in. She gives Kim a slow kiss on the lips, and Kim parts her lips just slightly to run her tongue along the opening of Miranda's mouth. I can see Miranda shudder a little bit, and she is still waiting for more, eyes closed, when Kim eventually pulls away.

"That's better," Andrea laughs and gives the bottle a spin. It lands on Kim again.

"Well, aren't I popular!" She laughs and leans in to give Andrea a steamy kiss, too. Andrea, though, is more enthusiastic than Miranda, and soon she is kissing Kim using her full tongue.

After a few moments she pulls away and it's my turn to spin. The bottle lands on Miranda, who seems more prepared this time. She and I kiss, nowhere near as passionate as her exchange with Kim, and then she spins the bottle to give Andrea a kiss.

It's Kim's turn to spin again, and it lands on Miranda. She looks at Kim, nervousness and excitement in her eyes, and then Kim looks towards us.

"Well, what are we doing?" she asks.

Andrea looks at me and then pauses. "I think you should take off your shirts and go from there."

The two bridesmaids look at each other, shrug, and then take off their tops. Kim is wearing a black lace bra, and I can see how hard her nipples have become. Miranda is wearing a t-shirt bralette and her chest is small and perky. She leans in to kiss Kim, and soon she is moving her hands up towards Kim's chest. I see her take Kim's nipple between her fingers and pinch softly, and I swear I can hear them both sigh a little bit.

"Okay, okay, that's enough guys." Andrea all but pulls them apart. They're both flushed and clearly want more.

Andrea spins the bottle and it lands on herself.

"Well, do I spin again?" She asks.

"Hmm," Kim says. "No, I think this means you get to pick someone yourself."

Andrea looks at me. "Okay?" She asks.

I nod.

She leans in and gives me a soft kiss on the lips. After a moment she pushes into me harder, and I feel her tongue on the tip of mine. I push my lips open wider against hers, and soon I can feel her body leaning into mine.

When she pulls away, I take the bottle and give it a spin. It lands on Miranda again.

"Well, since we kissed already, what's next?" I ask.

I'm starting to get wet and I don't know if I should expect anything other than some light making out, but I would really love it if things went further... We're all silent for a moment, and I can tell we all want more but are too shy to say anything.

Eventually, Miranda quietly says, "I really like when people kiss my neck..."

I crawl over to her spot on the couch and give her a slow, deep kiss. I can feel her hips pushing up into me as I make my way to lick her neck. Fuck, I'm really starting to get turned on now.

She's pushing her pelvis into me really hard. I can tell how badly she wants it. I keep kissing her neck for a while when I hear a quiet voice behind me say something.

"What did you say?" I turn around and ask.

"Maybe you should touch her," Andrea says, looking down at the floor.

"Hey, it's not her turn again..." Kim jumps in. "Stop it, you two. Let's keep going."

I make my way back to my seat and see that her crotch has left a damp spot on the leg of my jeans. She's really wet. I must be too.

Miranda spins the bottle and it lands on Andrea. They look at each other, and then back at us. Nobody says anything for a minute.

"Miranda, maybe you should try touching her," I say, feeling brave. I hope I don't regret this...

Andrea looks at Miranda and they both nod. Andrea moves towards Miranda's spot on the couch, and soon they've both taken their pants off. Andrea is wearing a white thong and I can see how damp she is through the crotch of her panties. Miranda is wearing a pair of cotton boyshorts that match her bralette, and soon she's straddling Andrea.

I'm sitting across from them on the other couch and I can see how turned on they both are. After a few minutes of harried kissing and frantic grabbing, Miranda slowly puts her hand on the crotch of Andrea's white thong.

Her hand moves slowly back and forth, and Andrea's eyes are closed as she sighs and kisses Miranda even more deeply. As Andrea's back arches, I swear she's close to cumming.

While we watch, Kim gets near to me on the couch. Soon her hand is on my thigh, making its way up to my crotch. I feel my body tense with excitement and look at her. Before I can say anything, she is kissing me.

As her tongue pushes its way into my mouth, she reaches her hand for my chest and squeezes gently. My nipples are hard and I have to stop myself from groaning with her touch. Beside us, I can hear Andrea panting as Miranda rubs her fingers all over her. I look over and see that she's touching Miranda, too. They've both taken off their bras and are only wearing panties now.

"Stop, stop," I hear Andrea say. We all look up. She's sweating and her hair is stuck to the side of her face. Her nipples are hard and her chest is full. I don't know that I've seen her topless before, and I can't stop staring.

"Everything okay?" Miranda asks, concerned.

"Yes, definitely. I just... I was getting really close." Andrea says. "I needed to cool off for a second. I don't want to cum yet." She says, looking down, shy after her confession. I love that she said yet. I need to push my clit against something, the friction of my pants isn't enough.

"Well, whose turn is it to spin?" I ask. "You can take a break and we can keep going until you're ready."

Kim takes the bottle and gives it a spin. It lands on Miranda. They look at each other and wait for us to chime in.

"Miranda," Andrea says, "I really think you need to feel a woman's tongue at least once in your life."

Kim nods and crosses the room to meet Miranda. After a few moments of kissing, they are squeezing each other's breasts and I watch Kim kiss her way down to the crotch of Miranda's panties. She pulls the fabric to the side and slowly licks the sides of Miranda's labia. I can see how wet Miranda is from her - she's glistening - and her clit looks swollen with need. When Kim starts to lick her there - slowly at first, then faster - I swear she could scream.

I watch in stunned silence and then feel the couch shaking a bit beside me. Andrea is straddling her own hand, watching, and grinding her crotch into her fingers. I look over at her, and she stops when she sees me watching.

"I'm sorry," she says, "I didn't even realize I was doing that."

I look at her and lean in to kiss her. She doesn't stop me, and soon her entire body is pressed into mine. Near us, Miranda is moaning faster and faster. It hasn't even been a minute and it already sounds like she could cum.

I kiss Andrea's neck and whisper into her ear, "I think you need to watch this."

She nods. I pull her arm and lead her to sit on my lap between my legs. I take one hand to her chest and feel for her nipple, her large breast filling my hand perfectly. I take my other hand to her crotch and slowly start to rub her. Her head cranes back over my shoulder as she softens into my touch.

Miranda is breathing even faster, with Kim's fingers inside her now. I move my hand under the hem of Andrea's underwear and slowly make my way to her clit. Her pubes are neatly trimmed, and I wish I could taste her and feel her tongue on me.

I put my finger into her, gently, and she pushes her body down onto me. I hear her groan deeply, a noise I've never heard from her before, and make my way back to her clit. I start to rub slowly and then faster, and her body tenses as I go.

Across from us, Miranda's back is arched and I can hear her moaning. She yells, "Fuck" a few times, and then her back arches fully and she's loses control of herself. Kim takes her finger out and I watch as Miranda's pussy contracts and squirts onto Kim's hand.

As she sees this, Andrea squeezes my thigh and pushes her body into mine. "Oh my god, I'm going to cum," she says, and I rub her clit even faster. She's moaning and sweating as she cums on my hand, warm and urgent.

She turns to me when she's finished and kisses me, softly, and then spins the bottle. It lands on me.

Without even waiting for Kim or Miranda to say anything, Andrea says, "I want to taste you."

I look to the other two and they nod. Kim is idly touching her crotch and I can tell she wants it as badly as I do. I don't think I've ever been this turned on, and I really need the release.

I pull down my jeans and underwear while Andrea undoes the buttons on my shirt. I'm not wearing a bra, and she takes one of my nipples in her mouth. Her tongue is small and hesitant, but when I start to shudder she relaxes into me.

After a while, she makes her way down my body. I'm so wet it's almost embarrassing, and I can feel myself blush. I'm not used to having an audience. At first I feel shy while I wait for Andrea to start, but then I look over and see Miranda grabbing Kim's nipples as Kim casually plays with her clit over the crotch of her underwear. Seeing how aroused they are makes me want this even more.

Andrea's tongue is quick and gentle, and it moves nimbly over the swollen hood of my clit. I swear I could orgasm already.

She pushes her tongue onto me harder, and I look over at Kim, whose eyes are on Andrea's tongue. I gesture to Kim and soon she comes over, kneeling at the side of the couch to kiss me.

I feel myself getting closer to orgasm, but manage to hold it in for now. I'm moaning even louder - I feel completely out of control - and watch as Miranda comes to the floor and slides herself under Kim, so Kim is straddling her face and Miranda can lick her clit from below.

I can feel my orgasm building, tight and deep within me, and hearing the sound of Miranda's tongue on Kim pushes me over the edge. Soon I am cumming loudly, screaming "Oh my god" as Kim kisses my neck and Andrea licks my clit. I feel a wet rush come from my pussy and onto the couch, and soon Kim is breathing faster, too.

Andrea pulls herself up to kiss me and I can see she's touching herself, too, rubbing her clit faster and faster as Kim reaches her orgasm. Andrea is straddling my legs, rubbing herself in full view of me, and Kim is kissing my neck and moaning into my ear. Andrea's clit is so close to mine and I buck my hips up into her, feeling a small aftershock as my clit touches hers.

As Kim's orgasm erupts in small gasps, I feel her bite my neck as Miranda is licking and moaning from below. After she cums, Kim slides a finger into Andrea, and this touch pushes her close the edge too. I can see Andrea's pussy contract around Kim's finger as it slides in and out, syncing up with the frantic rubbing of her own clit. Andrea arches her head back and cries out. As she feels this pleasure, her crotch rubs frantically along mine, grazing my clit.

Miranda kisses Andrea and looks at me longingly. I nod, and Miranda moves over to straddle my face. I push my tongue up into her clit as she and Andrea kiss; they grow closer and closer to release. Miranda's pussy is sweet and wet with the buildup of her first orgasm, and already she sounds like she could have another.

As they kiss, they both start to moan and grind even harder along my body. They are sweating and tense. Suddenly, Andrea screams "Oh my god" and she grinds into me even harder. Kim pulls her finger out of Andrea so she can move her hips, and I feel waves of friction and pleasure as she thrusts quickly against my clit.

"I'm coming," she says, almost into Miranda's mouth, and Miranda nods as she gets close, too. Andrea pushes her pussy against mine and I move my tongue as fast as I can along Miranda's clit. I feel them both push into me, and suddenly there is a loud moan as a wave of warmth slides along me as Andrea squirts on my clit. The liquid is warm and fast, and I can hear her breathing hard as she finishes.

Miranda is still grinding, bringing herself to completion, and I feel Kim rubbing my clit softly, using Andrea's cum as lube. As Miranda cums into my mouth, her body frantically rocking against my tongue, Kim brings me to orgasm one more time. I moan into Miranda's contracting pussy, which brings us even more pleasure. We finish our orgasm at the same time, and she rests her body on mine as the contractions slow.

Sweaty and exhausted, we all rest on the couch together. After a few moments of peaceful silence, someone says, "Well, who's going to spin the bottle next?"

#LesbianErotica #LesbianThreesome #PenthouseLesbians #VintagePorn
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Watch the Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste, posted on March 5, 2024. The post is about the topic Lesbian Lounge. and the text says '"Never have I ever had sex in a kitchen," Kim says and the room erupts in laughter. To my surprise, the rest of us - including Andrea, the bride to be - all must have done this, because we take a drink.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on - Andrea, what the..'
I ran my hand up across her stomach, feeling her warm skin as I slowly slid my hands upward. My hand came to rest on the top of her bra. I was so excited that I was finally feeling another woman's breasts, that I almost chirped. Mary's hand slid up and under my shirt a few moments later, we both had moved forward getting the first feel of each other's tits.

Mary pulled my bra cup down, grasping a firm hold of my naked breast, squeezing, cupping, and caressing it. It was exciting, to say the least, when her warm hand cupped my tit, covering my nipple, as she moved our adventure forward. Knowing she had made a bigger move, I followed suit and pulled her bra cup down, placing my hand over her tit. It was absolutely amazing to feel her breast in my hand as we continued kissing passionately.

We kissed overpoweringly as our hands explored each other's bare breasts. I pulled my hand from underneath her shirt and grabbed a hold of it at the bottom, I lifted the shirt, as Mary arched her back and lifted her body upwards, so I could pull it up. I raised her shirt to her neck revealing her bare skin and went right back to feeling her tits. By this time, both of her bra cups, and both of mine were down, exposing both of our tits. I lifted my shirt up and over my head, taking it off completely. Mary did the same, removing hers, and were both pressed up against each other, skin to skin as we continued kissing.

As we lay kissing, we both fumbled with unhooking each other's bra straps, letting them dangle off our shoulders as we continued caressing each other's tits. I kissed my way down from her lips, along her neck, and down over the top of her chest, until I reached her breasts. I kissed both breasts gently and softly before my mouth hit her nipples. I slowly and gently sucked, licked, and teased her tits.

I pulled my bra strap through both arms, freeing myself of it, and tossed it on the floor. As I was just coming back down next to Mary, she did the same thing. I stared deeply at her body, her sexy tits, her bare chest realizing every fantasy I had of her, visualizing her tits was now a reality and right in front of me.

Mary and I engaged deeply in another heated kiss, with both of our hands working on touching, caressing, and exploring each other's bare skin. Mary slipped from our kiss, leaning me slightly back as her mouth gently and erotically kissed her way down my neck, throat, and across the top of my bare chest, and started sucking in my nipples. One at a time, deeply, lovingly as her warm mouth encompassed them.

I was dripping wet. I mean dripping wet. I could feel my juices resting on my left leg and I wanted to put my hand down her pants so bad. After Mary finished sucking on my tits and came back to kissing me, I slowly slid my hand from her breasts, down past her stomach where I felt her muscles slightly quivering as I passed them by. I slid my hand up and down her legs, along her inner thighs, in between both legs, softly, engrossingly as I slowly made my way up to her crotch.

When I thought it was the right time, I pushed my hand down deep in between her legs, cupping her pussy over her jeans. Her hands clinched on my tit, as I started rubbing up and down. I wanted to feel her. I wanted to slide my hands deep into her panties and see how wet she was. How erotic it would be to feel her wet lips. To feel another woman's pussy. To see how turned on she was.

Just as I was starting to reach for her jeans button to unbutton it, Mary pulled from our kiss and said; "Wait, I don't know if I'm ready for that."

I froze. I didn't know what to say. Here we were just seconds ago, face to face, chest to chest, kissing deeply my hand rubbing up and down over her pussy, getting excited and she stopped us.

I looked deeply into Mary's eyes, she seemed panicked and out of sorts.

"Jill, can we talk about this for a minute? She asked. Pulling back and away from me, taking a deep breath.

"Yeah, of course, we can," I replied.

Mary hesitated finding her word, but finally spoke out; "Jill, I have never done this type of stuff with a woman before. I like you. And I am curious, but this scares me. I don't know if I am a lesbian."

"I feel the same way," I spoke out.

"Have you been with a woman before?" She asked me.

"I went out on a couple of dates with a woman a while ago, but I have never exclusively dated or had sex with a woman before," I replied.

"I have never done anything like this before either," She spoke. "But for some reason, I feel real comfortable with you. And I like what we are doing, it just is mind-blowing to me."

"I know sweetheart," I replied. "I never thought I would be with a woman, but since my divorce, it's all I can think about."

There was a long pause in our conversations and Mary had dipped her head down onto my collarbone. I didn't know what to say, or what to do. I had never been in a position like this. Nor had she. Mary lifted her head slowly and said; "Jill, have you thought about me? I mean us that way?" She asked.

"Yes, I have actually," I replied

Mary, sighed and dipped her head again, whispering out the words, "God, I guess I ruined the moment then, didn't I?"

"No sweetie," I spoke. "I think this was perfect."

"Mary, I don't know if I am changing inside, or if it's the chance for me to experience something new, but I am interested in this," I spoke out. "I don't want you in an uncomfortable position, but I am into you and I would feel very interested if this went further."

Mary lifted her head, smiled at me, and reiterated that she loved being around me, but the sex part of this scared her.

Mary and I hugged and embraced deeply. I understood her fears, I had some of my own. I was so relieved she had admitted her interests and concerns to me. Saying things that maybe she was afraid of saying before. I felt closer to her after our small chat, and as we lay there in silence, just holding one another, feeling the warmth of our bodies in the darkness of my front room. I was enjoying being there alone with her like this. Wrapped up as lovers do. With a host of feelings and emotions running through us. In some cases, warm, safe, and loving. Others were being hot and horny. While some were in sheer panic, fear of the unknown, or concern about dating the same sex. I know my mind was spinning, contemplating where this could go. I'm sure hers was too. Mary lifted her head, looked deep into my eyes, and whispered to me, "Jill, I want this, it's just going to take me some time."

We pressed our lips together, embracing more deeply, and I knew at that moment her words were true and that eventually, we would take the next steps. As our arousal and passions faded, we lay together softly embracing and glowing in the moment. Both of us now knowing - and perhaps accepting - we wanted one another. Oddly enough we were two women who had never had a lesbian experience but were lying topless together, fearing to move forward, yet admitting we wanted to.

"I don't want to ruin our night anymore," she whispered. "But I think I'm going to go."

I didn't want her to leave. I was very comfortable lying there with her, but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, or uneasy.

We both got up and got dressed. I watched as she put her bra and shirt back on, just seeing her standing there topless for a brief moment was amazing. I walked her to the door, where we hugged deeply again and kissed one last goodnight kiss. I stood at my window, watching her get into her car, and drive off.

I was overly spent and exhausted from the number of emotions, excitement, fear, and nervousness of her coming over; coupled with the sexual rush we had. Instead of heading to my bedroom, I wandered back over to the couch, pulled my shirt, bra, and pants off, crawled under the blanket, and just settled in for some rest.

As I lay there in the darkness, I kept thinking about her words. I felt fear and panic, yet solace and comfort knowing that at least we had a bit of an open conversation about our interests in one another and had one big-ass make-out session.

I was glad it stopped where it did, as disappointed as I felt. One because I didn't want us to do anything that made either of us uncomfortable; and two I didn't want it to be something we'd regret in the morning.

I felt aroused still and wholeheartedly, I wanted to have sex. I would have bet you any amount of money, I would have masturbated immediately to relieve myself from the frustration of being so turned on, but not going all the way. But yet, at that moment, even though I was still horny and wet wishing we would have gotten each other off, I didn't. I just drifted off thinking about her kiss, her sexy "mom" tits, her nipples, her face on my chest sucking mine and I felt a warm glow of comfort, that lulled me to sleep...

#LesbianErotica #PenthouseLesbians #TitSucking #VintagePorn
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Watch the Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste, posted on March 4, 2024. The post is about the topic Lesbian Erotica and Captions. and the text says 'I ran my hand up across her stomach, feeling her warm skin as I slowly slid my hands upward. My hand came to rest on the top of her bra. I was so excited that I was finally feeling another woman's breasts, that I almost chirped. Mary's hand slid up and..'
I leaned down as she lifted her head and our lips met. We sat frozen face to face like we had done a few weeks back, until my mouth parted, hers following suit and our tongues touched. The kiss was soft, slow, deep, and sensual. There was nervousness this time, but it wasn't the nervousness of the first kiss, it was nervousness because I was kissing her on my couch, in my house, in the darkness of the room, cuddled under a big warm blanket, with a woman I had an interest in. My anxiety shot through the roof, as she turned close to me to be in a better kissing position.

Our lips stayed pressed against each other, our tongues swirled, our hand grip tightened and I knew that the previous Saturday night's kiss wasn't a fluke or fueled by alcohol. She was interested in me. And I was interested in her.

As we pulled away for the first time, Mary looked at me and said, "I was hoping you'd want to kiss me again."

"I definitely wanted to kiss you again," I replied.

Mary smiled and came in again and this time, we let go of our grasp on each other's hands and started rubbing up and down one another's face, necks, and heads. The passion was intense and I felt myself have butterflies like I never had before. My heart thumped in my chest and yes... my pussy started to tingle and feel wet.

We kissed for quite a while, until Mary got up, flipped herself around, and came to rest almost on top of my lap. My hands glided all over her back, along her side, her hips, and along the outsides of her tits. While her hands kept focus on my face, my neck, and my upper chest area. I slowly slid my hand around to the front of her chest and slid my hand across her left breast. She lightly moaned through our kiss, as I cupped and caressed her tit the best I could, at the angle I was at.

Mary's hand came down and slid across the front of my shirt, across my breast, down to my sternum, and back up under my right tit. We slowly and erotically began feeling one another's breasts, over our clothing with our kissing getting hotter, deeper, and more intense as time went on. I pulled away and asked her to lie down next to me, trying to get us into a better position. I laid flat on the couch on my left side, while Mary laid down next to me on her right. We adjusted accordingly, trying to not fall off the couch, and began kissing again.

We kissed deeply, just picking back up where we had left off. It was slow and patient, caring and soft. As time went on and we were feeling each other up over our clothes, I mustered up the courage and started to pull her T-shirt out from her waistband. Mary didn't resist and I felt that the slow, long, comfort level we had reached was ready for the next step.

I ran my hand up across her stomach, feeling her warm skin as I slowly slid my hands upward. My hand came to rest on the top of her bra. I was so excited that I was finally feeling another woman's breasts, that I almost chirped. Mary's hand slid up and under my shirt a few moments later, we both had moved forward getting the first feel of each other's tits.

Mary pulled my bra cup down, grasping a firm hold of my naked breast, squeezing, cupping, and caressing it. It was exciting, to say the least, when her warm hand cupped my tit, covering my nipple, as she moved our adventure forward. Knowing she had made a bigger move, I followed suit and pulled her bra cup down, placing my hand over her tit. It was absolutely amazing to feel her breast in my hand as we continued kissing passionately.

We kissed overpoweringly as our hands explored each other's bare breasts. I pulled my hand from underneath her shirt and grabbed a hold of it at the bottom, I lifted the shirt, as Mary arched her back and lifted her body upwards, so I could pull it up. I raised her shirt to her neck revealing her bare skin and went right back to feeling her tits. By this time, both of her bra cups, and both of mine were down, exposing both of our tits. I lifted my shirt up and over my head, taking it off completely. Mary did the same, removing hers, and were both pressed up against each other, skin to skin as we continued kissing.

As we lay kissing, we both fumbled with unhooking each other's bra straps, letting them dangle off our shoulders as we continued caressing each other's tits. I kissed my way down from her lips, along her neck, and down over the top of her chest, until I reached her breasts. I kissed both breasts gently and softly before my mouth hit her nipples. I slowly and gently sucked, licked, and teased her tits.

I pulled my bra strap through both arms, freeing myself of it, and tossed it on the floor. As I was just coming back down next to Mary, she did the same thing. I stared deeply at her body, her sexy tits, her bare chest realizing every fantasy I had of her, visualizing her tits was now a reality and right in front of me.

Mary and I engaged deeply in another heated kiss, with both of our hands working on touching, caressing, and exploring each other's bare skin. Mary slipped from our kiss, leaning me slightly back as her mouth gently and erotically kissed her way down my neck, throat, and across the top of my bare chest, and started sucking in my nipples. One at a time, deeply, lovingly as her warm mouth encompassed them.

I was dripping wet. I mean dripping wet. I could feel my juices resting on my left leg and I wanted to put my hand down her pants so bad. After Mary finished sucking on my tits and came back to kissing me, I slowly slid my hand from her breasts, down past her stomach where I felt her muscles slightly quivering as I passed them by. I slid my hand up and down her legs, along her inner thighs, in between both legs, softly, engrossingly as I slowly made my way up to her crotch...

#PenthouseLesbians #VintagePorn #GirlsKissing #LesbianErotica
... See more
Watch the Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste, posted on March 3, 2024. The post is about the topic Lesbian Lounge. and the text says 'I leaned down as she lifted her head and our lips met. We sat frozen face to face like we had done a few weeks back, until my mouth parted, hers following suit and our tongues touched. The kiss was soft, slow, deep, and sensual. There was nervousness this..'