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It would've been an exaggeration to say that Carolyn hit the mark with every thrust of her tongue, but she found it often enough that Dana wasn't about to complain. Reaching downward with her left hand, she again set it against the back of the brunette's head and used it, along with a series of verbal encouragements, to guide her to the right spots. And as she had already proven, Carolyn was a fast learner.

So much so that Dana, who had been laying back against one of the pillows with her eyes closed, enjoying the delightful ripples spreading across her body, began to wonder if Carolyn really was the neophyte she claimed to be.

"Is this really your first time?" she asked Carolyn in a soft voice, adding that she wouldn't be upset if it wasn't.

"Yes," Carolyn replied, pausing just long enough to lift her head to do so. "I'm just doing what usually feels good to me."

"Well, keep on doing that," Dana responded as she again dropped her head back, "because it's working."

Carolyn wasn't sure if she believed Dana or not, but her reassurance did spur her efforts. Bringing a man to climax was no great trick, she'd always thought. The hard part was keeping him from getting there too soon. Women, on the other hand, usually took a bit more doing to reach the goal -- or at least, that had been the conclusion of friends she'd felt close enough to talk about such things. Carolyn kept that in mind as another thought began to dominate her mind, namely that there was nothing in the world she wanted more right now, than to bring Dana to orgasm.

In the end, it turned out that Dana's accolades proved true after all as, to Carolyn's surprise and in a much shorter span than she expected, the older woman's body suddenly tensed up and, with orgasmic fury, exploded in a kaleidoscope of passion. She cried out in delight, her body shuddering uncontrollably as waves of splendor washed over her.

'Oh my God, did I do that?' Carolyn thought as, once Dana had stopped quaking, she lifted her head from between her legs.

"I guess I should've warned you that I have what you might call a hair trigger," Dana laughed.

Carolyn didn't care what it was called; she had made a woman come.

"Oh my, look at you," Dana then said, trying but failing not to softly laugh.

Not understanding what she meant, Carolyn shifted to the side of bed, where she could see herself in the same mirror as before.

"Fuck!" Carolyn said as she saw her reflection.

Her face was covered with the aftermath of Dana's climax. It had happened so quickly, Carolyn hadn't even noticed. Now that she did, she also felt the urge to laugh.

"Guess I did good," she said.

"Honey, you did fantastic," Dana replied as she moved up alongside her.

Dana pulled Carolyn to her, kissing the sides of her face several times, licking off enough of the residue to coat her tongue and then thrusting it deep into the brunette's mouth to share the treat. A sharing that continued until there was little left for Carolyn to wash off when she was done...

#LesbianErotica #PenthouseLesbians #EatingPussy #VintagePorn
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Watch the Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste, posted on February 16, 2024. The post is about the topic Lesbian Erotica and Captions. and the text says 'It would've been an exaggeration to say that Carolyn hit the mark with every thrust of her tongue, but she found it often enough that Dana wasn't about to complain. Reaching downward with her left hand, she again set it against the back of the brunette's..'
Carolyn rocked back and forth, cupping her breasts tightly as her moans continued to fill the room. Dana lifted her head from between Carolyn's legs, but still continued to pleasure the younger woman with her fingers. Shifting her own body upward, Carolyn again pulled Dana close enough for a deep kiss, thrilling at the taste of her own excitement on the older woman's lips.

Dana returned the kiss, then changed position so that Carolyn could move to where she could access the double hooks that held together the older woman's bra. Restraints that Carolyn eagerly undid, sliding the straps off the blonde's shoulders and down her arms. Dana picked it up from there, slipping the undergarment the rest of the way off before tossing it off to the side. Before it even reached the floor, Carolyn brought her hands up to Dana's exposed mounds, marveling at their beauty even as she laid the flats of her palms against the center of each, her fingers closing around the pert pink nipples protruding from each.

Carolyn had felt her own breasts more times than she could count, but to have another woman's in her hands brought an excitement she had never imagined. And while she had seen Dana nude and more in the video, that paled into insignificance against the sight of her in the flesh.

With an eagerness that made her feel like she was still a teenager in high school, discovering the pleasures of the body for the first time, Carolyn leaned inward and closed her mouth around the areola of Dana's left breast, kissing it softly. After running the tip of her tongue across it several times, she drew the excited nipple between her lips. Carolyn had often wondered why men were so fascinated with women's breasts and now she knew. As she continued to slide her mouth back and forth across the bounty before her, covering it with a combination of soft kisses, wet licks and gentle bites, Dana encouraged her to do even more as she ran a hand across the back of Carolyn's neck, running her fingers through the long brown hair.

"That's it, just like that," Dana said. "You're doing fine."

Pleased with her praise, Carolyn worked her way across to Dana's other breast, there to repeat her efforts. As her mouth closed around the other nipple, she brought her left hand to the breast she had just abandoned, squeezing both the soft flesh and hard nipple with her fingers.

Carolyn continued sucking at Dana's breasts for long minutes, during which the older woman moved the hand plying the brunette's hair down along her spine to the small of her back. From there it moved along Carolyn's waistline before again shifting direction, moving up her left side until it came to rest against the underside of her breast. Her other hand cupped its twin in a similar move as Dana lifted Carolyn away from her breasts for another deep kiss.

A kiss that Carolyn felt down to her toes as, in response to it, she slipped a hand between Dana's legs and began to massage the brunette's mound through her thoroughly saturated panties. The thought that she had been the one to make them that way brought an additional excitement.

She moved her hands to the sides of the dark panties, tugging on the edges in a downward motion. With her arms stretched back behind her for support, Dana aided in the effort, lifting her ass high enough to allow the lingerie to pass over it. Then she dropped her bottom back down and instead lifted her legs, allowing Carolyn to slide the panties off completely.

Now both nude, they shared another kiss as Carolyn again reached between Dana's legs. This time there was only a thick bush of hair to bar her way, an obstacle hardly worth mentioning -- at least not as a barrier. While Dana had been nearly hairless back when she'd made her video, she now preferred her pussy to have a more natural appearance -- one that Carolyn found she preferred.

Carolyn gently stroked the center of Dana's mound, even as her mouth returned to the blonde's breasts to again lavishing attention on both. Then, ever so slowly, she began to kiss and lick her way down Dana's body, gently spreading her legs as she dropped into the growing space.

When she reached her prize, Carolyn paused to take a really good look at the fur-covered mound. She'd seen her own reflected in a hand-held mirror, as well as those of other women in the showers at the gym, but this was the first time she'd ever been this close to one. Reaching out with her fingers, she parted the folds of Dana's pussy, exposing the rich pinkness within. Gently probing further, she slipped a finger inside, running it first against the vaginal walls, then upward to underside of Dana's clitoris, stroking it gently. A touch that brought a long, soulful moan, prompting her to go even further.

As she brought her face even closer, Carolyn recalled how reluctant her ex-husband usually was to perform this particular marital duty. A feeling that seemed as far from what she was feeling as could be. With a surge of enthusiasm, the brunette reached out with her tongue and, after a few experimental licks, began to really go to town.

"Oh, fucking yes," Dana echoed once Carolyn began to do so, the pleasing warmth of earlier quickly transforming into a raging fire...

#LesbianErotica #Fingering #VintagePorn #PenthouseLesbians
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Watch the Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste, posted on February 15, 2024. The post is about the topic Fingering. and the text says 'Carolyn rocked back and forth, cupping her breasts tightly as her moans continued to fill the room. Dana lifted her head from between Carolyn's legs, but still continued to pleasure the younger woman with her fingers. Shifting her own body upward, Carolyn..'
After helping her the rest of the way out of her outfit, Dana led Carolyn, now only wearing panties, over to the side of the bed, setting her down on the edge of it.

"I hope you don't mind if I make myself more comfortable," Dana said as she stood only a foot away.

Carolyn watched with keen interest as, undoing the buttons of her blouse, Dana shed the black top, revealing a black lace bra that seemed almost too sheer to contain the large mounds within it. Then, just as casually, Dana reached for the zipper on the side of her skirt, turning slightly away from her guest as she dropped that garment as well. Bending slightly forward as she did so, Dana offered a close up view of her ass and the matching panties that covered it. It was an impressive view.

Turning back to Carolyn, Dana leaned downward, laying a hand on one of her breasts as their mouths again met. Then it moved upward, coming to rest against the side of Carolyn's face, allowing Dana to draw her closer as her tongue worked its way deeper into the brunette's mouth. Carolyn responded with her own tongue, meeting its twin with equal fervor.

They shared another cascade of kisses, each punctuated by a downward motion of their bodies until Carolyn was flat on her back with Dana only inches above her. Closing that distance even further, she worked her way down along Carolyn's neck, leaving a trail of kisses as she made her way to her breasts, running her tongue first down the valley between them, then across each mound's excited nipple, swirling the tip around each before diverting it into her mouth.

"Oh yes," Carolyn softly moaned.

Dana moved back and forth between Carolyn's soft globes, drawing the sweet flesh between her lips, caressing the hard tips with her tongue. Her right hand slid across the brunette's stomach, making its way inside her panties, there to again play with the prize within.

As before, Dana's fingers moved in and out of Carolyn's jewel with ever increasing pace, even as the brunette reached out with both hands and pulled Dana down for another round of kisses. Carolyn then pressed the palms of her hands against Dana's large breasts, squeezing them tightly enough to cause the blonde to moan once more.

After again bringing Carolyn close to the edge, Dana drew back, taking hold of the side of her panties and pulling them down and off of her. Tossing the damp underwear aside, Dana spread Carolyn's legs wide, reaching out with her index finger and, starting at the base of her pussy, tracing a line along the length of it, quickly reaching her clitoris.

"You have such a beautiful pussy," Dana offered as she gently stroked the underside of Carolyn's clitoris with the tip of her finger. "I can't wait to taste it."

The words had barely time to register in Carolyn's mind before Dana acted on them, replacing the caress of her finger with that of her tongue. Carolyn loved having her pussy licked, but few previous lovers had been all that good at it, including her ex-husband. Usually they ranged from uninterested to begrudgingly willing, with the latter being only because they expected to receive head in return.

Dana, however, quickly demonstrated that she truly loved going downtown, as some of Carolyn's friends used to refer to it. Her tongue was as skilled as the younger woman could've hoped for, and it didn't take long to get her wetter than she'd been in a very long time.

Sliding her right hand under her thigh, Carolyn lifted one leg as high as she could, allowing the blonde head between them to press even deeper, with the motions of her tongue becoming too quick to follow. Dana also added two fingers to the mix, thrusting them in and out of the appreciative woman beneath her. Carolyn thought back to the video of Dana, in her role as Miss Brody, performing a similar act on one of her students. As the camera zoomed in on the young actress, it had displayed a look of bliss on her face, one not unlike what Carolyn's now wore...

#LesbianErotica #VintagePorn #PenthouseLesbians #Titsucking #TitInMouth
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Watch the Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste, posted on February 14, 2024. The post is about the topic Lesbian Erotica and Captions. and the text says 'After helping her the rest of the way out of her outfit, Dana led Carolyn, now only wearing panties, over to the side of the bed, setting her down on the edge of it.

"I hope you don't mind if I make myself more comfortable," Dana said as she stood only..'
"Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" Dana then suggested.

Carolyn didn't have to be asked twice and they untangled themselves quickly, rising to their feet once they had. Then, taking the younger woman by the hand, Dana led her toward her boudoir.

Although the room had been decorated with the same attention to detail as the rest of the apartment, Carolyn gave the period-specific surroundings little notice as she entered the bedroom. Save of course for the large king size bed in the center of the room, the vastness of which suggested that few were the nights that Dana slept alone.

Yet it wasn't the bed that Dana led Carolyn to, but a large oval mirror on the far wall. Once Carolyn was standing in front of it, Dana moved behind her, the space between their bodies barely enough to measure.

"You doubted yesterday that you were pretty enough to be in pictures," Dana said as she ran her hands along the exposed parts of Carolyn's arms. "I want you to see how wrong you are. To see yourself as I see you, sexy and beautiful."

With that, Dana slid her fingers through Carolyn's long hair, moving it off to the side to expose the zipper of the dress beneath. Grasping the tiny slider, she lowered it slowly, exposing the smooth naked skin beneath the olive cloth.

As the outfit grew slack against Carolyn's body, Dana brought her hands to the brunette's shoulders and eased the top of her dress downward, just far enough to expose the top of her breasts. Then she slid a hand along the valley between them, caressing the supple flesh.

A soft but audible sigh from Carolyn brought another hand into play as Dana then cupped the underside of the brunette's left breast, squeezing it softly. The right breast followed as Carolyn's moans grew louder, reaching a peak as Dana pulled the dress further down, releasing it once it was low enough to fall to Carolyn's waist of its own volition.

Again bringing her hands upward, Dana wrapped them around Carolyn's mounds, this time undoing the metal clasp that held the twin hemispheres of her bra together. Once undone, the support garment lost all tension, falling down her arms until it was discarded in a quick motion.

"Such beautiful breasts," Dana said, admiration in her tone as she laid her hand on them once more, this time flesh against flesh.

Carolyn watched in the mirror as Dana gently massaged her breasts, tweaking her now hard nipples between her fingers as tiny pulses of pleasure echoed across Carolyn's body. Releasing her hold a short time later, Dana moved her hands downward, sliding down the brunette's stomach to her waistline before bringing them back to breasts already missing their touch.

"You like that, don't you?" Dana said as she again manipulated the pliant flesh, the reaction of Carolyn's body already giving her the answer to her question. "Well, I think you'll like this even more."

She tilted Carolyn's head back far enough to kiss her deeply, even as she once more moved a hand down across her stomach, leaving the other to continue to play with her breasts. Unlike the previous time, Dana didn't stop at the brunette's waist but instead slid her fingers not only inside her dress, but past the elastic band of the panties beneath.

"Oh God!" Carolyn exclaimed as not only did Dana again stimulate her clit, but continued past it, guiding the tips of her fingers inside the now quivering thirty-three year old.

"See, I told you you'd like this even more," Dana smiled as, even as she pressed her thumb against Carolyn's clitoris, massaging it gently, she began sliding her fingers in and out, the pace of her insertions quickening with each breath.

It didn't take long for the more experienced woman to bring Carolyn first to the edge of orgasm, and then past it, producing a small but pleasing climax. An orgasm she enjoyed much more than the one of several hours before because it had come at the hands of another.

"Oh, that was so good," Carolyn said, practically purring...

#LesbianErotica #PenthouseLesbians #VintagePorn #Tanlines
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Watch the Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste, posted on February 14, 2024. The post is about the topic Lesbian Lounge. and the text says '"Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" Dana then suggested.

Carolyn didn't have to be asked twice and they untangled themselves quickly, rising to their feet once they had. Then, taking the younger woman by the hand, Dana led her toward her boudoir.
"Don't think we're done here." The voice came from somewhere around my waist. When my eyes traveled down my body, her chin was resting just above my mound, her glare full of lust. "Just need to finish you, darling."


She wrenched my thighs apart, folding her slender body between my knees.

"And this is how I say 'thank you'," she replied.

Her hands were under me, lifting my pussy to her waiting mouth, and then her tongue and mouth were all over me. After a few seconds, my hands traveled to my breasts, pushing and squeezing them before I felt my back arching of its own accord.

And then my hands were grasping desperately at the bedspread, seeking any handhold. Cassandra had slammed me into high gear with her tongue and her lips and her hands and there was only one way this was going to end.

I closed my eyes and let go. Somewhere out there, my moans had become the guttural growls of a woman I'd never known before. My abs were aching from holding back until they could hold back no more.

If Cassandra's orgasm had been a thunderstorm, this one was a tornado. My torso, legs, and ass all clenched into tight knots, followed by my arms, and all my mind focused on the explosion of pleasure at my very center.

Somewhere in my darkened vision there was an explosion of stars. Between my legs was an explosion of pleasure so strong that it verged on pain.

"Ohhhhh !" Finally I managed an actual word. "Yes! Yes!"

Her mouth kept working me, drawing out the climax until my body could handle no more. And then she delicately lowered my hips back to the bedspread and began to kiss her way up my body.

I rolled onto my side and we held each other in silence for what seemed like minutes. I felt giddy, almost like I was about to break into a giggling fit...

#LesbianErotica #PenthouseLesbians #GinaLaMarca #VintagePorn
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Watch the Photo by nudes-des-artiste with the username @nudes-des-artiste, posted on February 7, 2024. The post is about the topic Lesbian Lounge. and the text says '"Don't think we're done here." The voice came from somewhere around my waist. When my eyes traveled down my body, her chin was resting just above my mound, her glare full of lust. "Just need to finish you, darling."


She wrenched my thighs..'