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Disney Princess Matchmaking Test Let’s see which Disney princess I have the most in common with.
Wish me luck.

[]You’ve kissed someone your friends didn’t like.
[] You’ve been lost in the forest.
[x] You love to read.
[] You are not shy at all.
[x] One of your family members is a bit weird.
[x] You have done volunteer work.
[x] You have a wild imagination.
[x] You love to take care of people in need.
[x]You’ve had girls like you only because they think you’re handsome.
[x] You’ve rejected at least one person when they’ve asked you out.
Total: 7

[x] You’re an orphaned child or have an evil step-mother.
[x] You have many different hobbies to keep you busy.
[x] You can get really bored.
[] You have/had very long hair.
[x] Your hair is/was bright blonde.
[x] You’re an artsy person.
[x] You’re childish.
[x] You can’t wait to stop the same routine each day and start living.
[x] You care about others and their feelings.
[x] You like to follow the rules.
Total: 9

[] You have/had a pet rabbit.
[x] You love to play cards.
[] You constantly know the time.
[x] You get yourself in sticky situations.
[] You have been to a court.
[x] You have fallen asleep while doing your homework.
[] You have had a tea party .
[x] You like hats.
[x] You’re late.
[x] You know how to play croquet.
Total: 6

[] Your dad is rich.
[x] You are clever
[x] You’ve been with someone way different from you.
[x] You’re unique and different from everyone else.
[x] You’d never marry someone just because they were rich.
[x] You have set a lot of goals for yourself.
[] You don’t have a lot of (good) friends.
[] You’re independent.
[] You are wealthy.
[x] Your parents try to control your life.
Total: 6

[x] Your girlfriend/crush is strong.
[x] You have gotten involved with the wrong people before.
[x] You are very convincing.
[x]You have fallen in love before.
[x] You have had your heart broken.
[x] You find an interest in Greek mythology.
[] You lie sometimes.
[] You pretend to be someone you’re not.
[x] You have been used.
[x] Purple is one of your favorite colors.
Total: 8

[x] Your parents expect a lot from you.
[x] You really try to follow the rules, but it’s hard for you.
[x] You’re a bit of a trouble maker.
[x] You’re the youngest in your family.
[] You have a lot of sisters.
[] You collect something.
[x] You have/had long hair.
[x] You are adventurous.
[] You’re extremely curious.
[] You believe everything people tell you/you’re a bit gullible.
Total: 6

[] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents.
[x] You almost died at a very young age.
[x] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful.
[x] You have a decent singing voice.
[x] You like to sleep in late on the weekend.
[] You spend most of your time outside.
[] You’re adopted.
[x] You’re very romantic.
[] Pink is one of your favorite colors.
Total: 5

[] One of your parents is dead.
[x] You are expected to do a lot of chores.
[] You love to dress up.
[x] You love animals.
[x] You are waiting patiently for your True Love.
[x] Your mom/stepmom is really strict.
[x] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you.
[] You’re afraid to speak your mind sometimes.
[] You have left your shoes at a friend’s house before.
[x] You have/had blonde hair.
Total: 6

Snow White
[x] You know that you’re attractive.
[] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you.
[x] You’ve almost been killed.
[x] You have at least seven good friends.
[] You’ve had food poisoning.
[x] You have/had short hair.
[x] You get along with almost everyone.
[x] All of your friends are different.
[x] You love to have a good time.
[] You’re happier when you’re out of the house than in.
Total: 7

[] You get jealous easily.
[x] You loved your childhood.
[] You like to fly.
[x] You believe in magic.
[] You’re 5’2” or under.
[] You hate pirates.
[x] You love sparkles.
[x] People underestimate you.
[] You get angry easily.
[] You have/had a treehouse.
Total: 4

[x] You love to walk around and explore big cities.
[x] You are more spiritual than religious.
[x] You’ve been in an interracial relationship.
[x] One of your family members is dead.
[] Your parents are very protective of you.
[] Someone you know has been in the war.
[] You love nature.
[] You have/had black hair.
[x] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful.
Total: 5

Princess Result: Repunzel #Repunzel #Alice #in #Wonderland #Tangled #Compatability #Test #Love #Romance #Q&A #Disney #Tinkerbell #Pocahontas #Little #Mermaid #Ariel #The #Princess #and #The #Frog #Disney #Princess #Beauty #and #The #Beast
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The Legend of The Grimm by Tony James TerminologyTHE GRIMM - A GUARDIAN OF FICTION REAPERS - THE ONLY CREATURE TO KILL A GRIMMSILVERTONGUE - SOMEONE WHO CAN READ CHARACTERS, ITEMS AND PEOPLE OUT OF BOOKS FICTION - A DEVICE OF GREAT POWER USED TO HIDE THE TRUTH AND PREVENT THE WORLDS DARKEST SECRETS FROM SEEING THE LIGHT OF DAYAuthors Note: This is all a metaphor. Constructed only to make sense of things that have happened in my life. THE LEGEND OF THE GRIMM: THE TALE OF TALES_________________________________________________________________Once upon a time, when the world was much younger a deal was made with God that a mother would come to take care of two boys….The Brothers Grimm, both of whom were to become very special. As it was to be they would become Guardians of things so great and secrets so important they would soon be feared for their knowledge and hunted for what they knew. For they were to become the guardians of fiction, or as I choose to see it, the protectors of the truth. The Premonitions: How It All Began _____________________________________________ How It all began - when the boys were in their teens. For they were given the task of writing down the strange and unusual events that went on in their town as they were told to report on them, so people knew what was going on, if anyone had been murdered, a witch had been caught, and so on. It was up to the Grimm Brothers to record it. Then one night all that changed when Jacob awoke from a dream and described it to his brother. The dream was a culmination of a bunch of events so gruesome he could barely bring himself to describe them. One was of A boy and a Girl named Hansel and Gretel who got kidnapped by a witch. One was the tale of a Girl whom he called Red Riding Hood and another was of Girl he referred to as Rapunzel of whom he saw locked away in a tower, with no way out but down. Little did he know these were all premonitions of what was to come so he notified the town’s mayor immediately. The Mayor, whilst in shock of what was to come asking them still to record the events but to make them more pleasant for the townsfolk. A mission that would cause the invention of fiction, the art of lying to protect the truth. As was foretold, the events in the nightmares would indeed become true, but The Brothers Grimm knew just what to do. Until a witch came to visit and claimed they were cursed. She claimed they were Silvertongue’s, of whom the public called authors.So it was to be, that the witch had not lied and her gift she had given was the reason they died. A Reaper she was, an eternal abyss. An Angel of Death, whom could kill with a kiss.MANY YEARS LATER_________________________________When I was also in my teens, I too had often dreamed and was soon to learn, all was not as it seemed. Red Riding Hood appeared and with her the full moon. I wanted the truth and i’d find that out soon.  A pale white girl, hair dark as night, was all good and strange but a beautiful sight, her hair in the wind, her hood red as roses, “a grimm” she revealed, the truth she exposed.It was then that I knew, that my chance had come to make things right. Not a witch, nor a troll would stay out of my sight. With the Reapers at bay, and my silvertongue sleeping. May words create haven for the souls who are weeping. As the Ink captures memories, I will continue to write.For the stories it tells must be brought to the light. It is an honor to share those memories with you….I’m a Grimm, It’s my Mission…It’s just what I do…  #Memories #Fiction #non #fiction #Legends #Tales #Grimm #True #Stories #Truth #Lies #Silvertongue #Red #Riding #Hood #Hansel #and #Gretel #Repunzel #Fairy #Tales #Reapers #Trolls #Witches #Witch #Hunting #Tsars #Germanic #Folklore #Folklore #Traditions #Curses #Gifts #Poetry #for #Children #Poetry #Poems ... See more