Hi, my name is John and I'm in my late 50's. Throughout my life, until recently, I've had a very poor relationship with myself and my body. This was due to an absent father and a mother who was unaware of the needs of her baby son. As a result, it wasn't until a few years ago that I realised how bad things were and how much I needed to change.

My two issues were a foreskin that had never been retracted and damage to my penis caused by a childhood accident.

Tackling the first issue took six months. Gradually trying to stretch my foreskin so that it would eventually retract properly. However, I wasn't prepared for the hypersensitivity of my previously covered glans. The difficulty was that sometimes I could get my foreskin to retract, but I couldn't get it to go back, because the stimulation had caused the beginnings of an erection. This meant that my glans was exposed to the rubbing and movement of underwear. Its hard to describe just how difficult it was through that period of time, and how painful it could be. Eventually, I tried retracting my foreskin at bedtime and sleeping with it drawn back. This was the solution. Whilst I would frequently go to sleep with an erection and my foreskin retracted, I almost always woke up with everything in the right positions! This also helped with the hypersensitivity, as my glans became desensitised during sleep with the regular contact with the bedding.

Solving the second issue would require surgery! A childhood accident with a trouser zip had left me with an inflamed welt of loose skin on the underside of my penis. Whilst not painful as an adult, it was unsightly. An appointment was made with my doctors surgery, and on the day, the only one available was female. The same doctor who was nursing my mother through terminal cancer. Needless to say, this was about as awkward as it could possibly get. She was excellent, apparently males regularly catch themselves in trouser zips, and whilst old, my injuries were not too remarkable. After a few consultations at the local hospital, the required surgery was performed, by a young female junior doctor. Again, about as awkward as it gets? However, when I returned to have the sutures removed, the same doctor ended the appointment with, "there, now you have a beautiful looking penis, so much better than before".

Her words made me think, and I realised that she was right. My previous relationship with my penis had changed completely. Now, I have a beautiful penis, which I love having.

Now, my genital hygiene is as it should have been. I wash, both sides, two or three times a day. Since surgery, I have maintained my pubic shaved status, shavingand moisturising regularly to maintain the smooth appearance. I have found however that my recently desensitised glans, and a bit of advancing age, mean I now suffer with some erectile disfunction. However, solving that was easy, and after a consultation with my, now regular lady doctor, I use Viagra.

I would now describe myself as a home nudist, I regularly go for walks where I spend as much time as possible naked. I do not try to expose myself to others, in fact the opposite is the case, but I have no problem, if asked, in showing what I have achieved at such a late stage in my life. I'm proud of what I have, I'm not blessed with a large penis, in fact it's more the opposite, but it's mine, and we've come through a lot together.
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