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Hesitation when you're fine the one I'm scared to ./hesitationwhenyourefinetheoneimscaredto
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When people are hesitant to move on with another, there sould be certain rules about what not to do well starting a new relationship with another. This topic sessions for all of us to have a say and it's really to show people pretty ugly poor Rich that we are the same I hurt I cry I fear I get hungry I get horny hey I even take a s*** sitting down like you. So Express Yourself and respectful Manner and every opinion count and there is no stupid idea just one that could be better with more input we all got accept change if we all don't want to make the same mistake in the next relationship so I need more people to talk to me that I need the advice
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No talking sexually about under age kids,No calling each other disrespectful names, belittling any idea.or person