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Masturbate for Company. Make them horny ./masturbateforcompanymakethem
10.2K Followers 178 Posts
Whether you spank the monkey or dig for clam, masturbation is what it is!
If you Jack it, Jill it, or do what you do to yourself when you are flying solo, or with your copilot, it belongs here. Make us horny!
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Post masturbation pics. Male or female, or someone in between, it doesn't matter. Masturbate for our pleasure.
If you are not stroking it, rubbing it, grinding it, vibrating it, fingering it, massaging it, sticking something into yourself, or sticking yourself into something, it does not belong here.
Handjobs by other people don't count, either. Mutual masturbation is okay, as long as both are in play.
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