It is exciting for me to think back to a time when the pill was not in use and yet the urge to cuckold was alive and pressing on couples in the same primal way as it does today. Of course, there were condoms and yet I suspect that many women decided to have sex with their lovers without them for the same reasons that they make the decision to go bareback today.

Without the pill, every stroke of her lover's cock risked pregnancy. What a conflict of need and angst that must have caused for the husband, the wife and her lover!
Photo by CarolineCucks with the username @CarolineCucks,  February 28, 2021 at 4:36 PM. The post is about the topic Cuckold and the text says 'It is exciting for me to think back to a time when the pill was not in use and yet the urge to cuckold was alive and pressing on couples in the same primal way as it does today. Of course, there were condoms and yet I suspect that many women decided to..'