
cuckiecumeaterVerified user added a photo to the album Cuckiecumeater.

It’s bad enough that your bullys seed found its way onto your sweet girlfriends ass. Now it would find it’s way onto your loser face. You smeared his bully seed around her ass and chased it down into her asscrack while they laughed at what a cuck you were.
Photo by cuckiecumeater with the username @cuckiecumeater, who is a verified user,  June 13, 2018 at 4:50 PM and the text says 'It’s bad enough that your bullys seed found its way onto your sweet girlfriends ass. Now it would find it’s way onto your loser face. You smeared his bully seed around her ass and chased it down into her asscrack while they laughed at what a cuck you..'

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