







The worst kind of people on Tumblr are people who stay stuff like “strawman” or “slippery slope” whilst arguing on Tumblr. If you argue so much on the internet that you need specific terms to use I suggest you deactivate for a bit.

I just pull fallacy fallacy

wow nice slippery slope godwins rule strawman phallus-ee fucking feminist lapdog my debation skills lie beyond your small minded compare!

I can’t believe we’re not allowed to use proper debating skills according to @pax-britannica. I guess I should just resort to calling people names. Thanks for the help!

@nucleic-asshole If somebody’s good at arguing/debating then they should be able to win through having better rhetoric (i.e. having a strong argument that doesn’t have fallacies itself) rather than needing to point out fallacies in the opponent’s argument. Not saying that understanding fallacy isn’t useful for being a better arguer, but I find that a rhetoric-based approach is far more effective and far less tedious for everyone involved.

But… winning an argument it literally pointing out the fallacy(s) in your opponents argument…

Recognizing and calling out fallacies can actually be progressive for the debate – and you learn a lot. Depends on people who you are dealing with, though, if they care more about the subject and understanding than seeing an insult when there isn’t one and getting defensive, derailing the debate.In good cases, it’s more like this:“Blaah blaah <insert fallacy> and that’s why I think blaah blaah”“<recognition of fallacy>, do you have other arguments? What are you trying to say, more fundamentally?”“<not taking pointing out fallacy as an insult, but critique><improved, more understandable and relatable answer, now without aforementioned fallacy>”“I see, I understand better where you stand now. Now what about…”=> progress, working debate; everyone wins by actively getting rid of fallacies #debate #debating #logic #fallacy #fallacies #logical #fallacies #argumentation #argument #strawman #slippery #slope