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He’d left her in Beta, mostly because she’d always been a handful during their two-year relationship, and he wanted her to have plenty of time to think about how being one kind of bitch led to her becoming another. She spent her days a helpless prisoner in her own mind, forced to observe her body acting like his horny, obedient, and eager-to-please dog. Eating on the floor, chasing toys, and barking at the mailman now and then. And, of course, providing blowjobs and doggystyle sex (like she had a choice in that regard) whenever he desired it. It was an unending stream of humiliation that only occasionally showed in her panting face.At first, he’d savored the sight of his bitchy girlfriend turned into his panting fuckmutt toy. But the strange thing was, over time, his ability to enjoy her abject humiliation faded. It wasn’t that he didn’t still appreciate the fact that the Leash Laws had turned her, along with so many other cunts, into pets and playthings for their betters. It was more like his awareness of her as anything other than his obedient cockhound faded, and as society’s pendulum swung back toward the Natural Order, she became just another dog. One of many he’d see in the course of a day. A very talented and obedient dog, to be sure, but certainly nothing worth getting too terribly worked up over. She…it…was a dog, as it always should have been. So he treated it like one. Besides, the tech at La Chienne Obeissante said most of ‘em cracked up and fell into Alpha after a few years anyway.And now, as he absent-mindedly patted her head as he watched the late-night news, he felt a sort of distracted affection for the sweet little fuckmutt. Maybe he’d take her out this weekend, let her run around the park a bit. She was getting a bit thick in the middle. Of course, a dose of BimboMaxx™ could fix that. Maybe resize those udders while he was at it. Eh, he’d have to think about it. Right now, Sports Center was about to start.The dog looked over at its Owner. It had noticed a change in Him over the past few months. He didn’t bother to humiliate it by calling it by its old name anymore. It wasn’t sure he even remembered its old name, which bothered it more than anything else. The hand on its head was affectionate, but it could tell he wasn’t really doing much more than soothing a dumb animal to keep it calm so it wouldn’t jump up on him while he watched TV. It realized, as the hand distractedly patted its head, that there would be no reprieve. There was no going back. There was only this, the Natural Order, and whatever it thought it remembered about the past was a dream. A lie. It was better off not thinking. Better off not remembering. It whined, and the Man switched to stroking its head. “Shh, CumRag. You’ll get your treat before bed. I might even give you a fuck or two. It’s been a long week. Just let me finish watching this, ok? Lie down now. Come on, lie down! There’s a good dog. Later we can…oh, come on, they’re not trading Billings AGAIN, are they? Shit.”CumRag sighed and curled up at the Man’s feet, ass wriggling half-heartedly as it rested its head on the Man’s feet. It could wait. After all, it was just a dog.

#TF  #Transformation  #Petgirl  #puppygirlsnplaythings  #Hundehersteller  #Choosy Perverts Choose GIF