
more brazen outdoor-ish nudity from yesterday on my back deck, where *anyone* could see (providing they happened to be looking in my direction at the time, and were peeking through some bushes bordering my fence).
this is also for someone who really likes my boobs.

If you’re not following Geekyvamp shame on you. #me #brazenness #boobs #semi-outdoor #nudity #sorry #about #the #colour #- #my #webcam #washes #me #out #in #direct #sunlight #until #I #look #lik
Photo by RedWineAndLube with the username @RedWineAndLube,  March 4, 2012 at 1:06 AM and the text says 'geekyvamp:

more brazen outdoor-ish nudity from yesterday on my back deck, where *anyone* could see (providing they happened to be looking in my direction at the time, and were peeking through some bushes bordering my fence).
this is also for someone who..'