Hi all, my better half and I are considering her to become a hotwife again. I say again because she was a hotwife before and unfortunately her exhusband was beyond abusive in every way.

We are reaching out to all of you in regards to what you do for rules and where to possibly find hookups. When she was a hotwife she lived in a city where sex clubs were the place to go for some action. Sadly after some searching last night, we have come up empty handed. We have considered creating a joint account for dating sites but we are both would like hot action sooner then later.

We are in our 40's and are an attractive couple. We are both bi sexual. She has more experience then I do. She loves the feel of a woman on her set of lips but preferes a cock buried deep in her.

I prefer a nice tight pussy around my cock and would rather be with a woman then a man, but I also seriously enjoy sucking a nice hard cock too.

Feel free to hit me up in a private message or reply to my post. Thank you!