Using the COCK as the instrument of our transformation is a very powerful metaphor that deeply resonates in the beingness of our anima. Worshipping COCK can indeed lead to profound transformations in ones basic and sexual nature, ones independent will, and ones deep sexual- and self-identity. The transformation of beta boy into sissy is primarily driven by an increasing attachment and addiction to the male COCK which makes US want to be the girl who gets fucked by the COCK GOD. 
Photo by anastasiamarkranjit with the username @anastasiamarkranjit,  March 20, 2018 at 8:12 AM and the text says 'Using the COCK as the instrument of our transformation is a very powerful metaphor that deeply resonates in the beingness of our anima. Worshipping COCK can indeed lead to profound transformations in ones basic and sexual nature, ones independent will,..'