
I do so enjoy a girl’s first experience with bathroom restriction. The first dozen or so times she asks to go, I say yes. She begins to forget it’s a rule, and starts to take it for granted. Then she asks, and I say no. The look of surprise is priceless. The look only gets more puzzled and more anxious. I feel so bad that sometimes I’ll get her a nice glass of water. Aren’t I a kind Sir?
Photo by biggersky123 with the username @biggersky123,  September 10, 2013 at 12:00 PM and the text says 'hush-girl:

I do so enjoy a girl’s first experience with bathroom restriction. The first dozen or so times she asks to go, I say yes. She begins to forget it’s a rule, and starts to take it for granted. Then she asks, and I say no. The look of surprise is..'