Vagina? Vulva! It seems that, more often that not, when people say »vagina« they actually mean a vulva. Vagina is an internal female sexual organ, suited for sexual intercourse, while vulva means the entirety of the outer genitals of a woman, suited for being licked. So basically, everything you see from the outside. That’s exactly what you see when you color drawings of vulvas in The Big Coloring Book of Vaginas. or when you look at different vulvas in the 101 Vagina project book. The fact that the word vagina is much more common than vulva is not only limited to English. For instance, the Dutch author Goedele Liekens named her book on vulvas Het Vaginaboek (»The Vagina Book«), not Het Vulvaboek. Even if those authors should and probably would know better, perhaps they stick with the more popular vagina in order to get understood. After all, the word vulva may not even be familiar to each and every person. I personally would definitely advocate the use of vulva, as it’s not a complicated word, but a beautiful, right-to-the-point word, and still simpler than »sexuality«. There has to be a point when we decide to speak of the vulva on its own terms, when we want to take it seriously.
There’s a basic look at the vulva, and a detailed, scientific one, just as there are colloquial terms for the parts of a vulva as there are scientific ones.

Even more detailed is a drawing from a scientific publication.

Source: The Vulva - Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Farage, Maibach et al., 2006.
Many people performing cunnilingus on their partner might not even know what a varied and intricate terrain it is that they are licking!
When I look at cunnilingus images of many different sorts, it’s interesting for me to ponder which area is it exactly that is being stimulated then. Depending on the broadness of the strokes it can be single areas or several areas at the same time. Some techniques even encompass the entire vulva (confer the techniques used by Irina Bruni).
If you’re interested in vulvas beyond this post, you can take a look amongst other things at the »vulva introduction« Pussypedia, made by the RFSU (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education). It’s in English. #cunnilingus #eating #licking #pussy #vulva #lecken #lick #eat #muschilecken #fittslickning #cunnilingio #fare #faire #minou #lecher #beffen #cunilíngua #vulvas #vulve #pussies #muschi #sexuality #sex #sexo #seks #sexe #sesso