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The Day We Rise by Tony James If you don’t understand my words it is cause you are to innocent to know their purpose. You don’t need to make sense of it if your innocent anyway, over time all will be revealed and nothing will be the same when it is. All that matters is I have seen what is to come and it cannot be avoided. There’s a storm coming. This is merely the calm before it… Do not be alarmed though, you have nothing to fear at this time. We’re not even ready yet however, we will be ready…For now all we can do is prepare ourselves to rise to the occasion… on that day truth alone will be what sets us free and all the worlds secrets shall finally be known… Then and only then will the worlds real heros surface, for now they just wait as we do…
The Fate of the World depends on it….for that is the day we rise, that is the day silence will fall and everything we don’t understand will revealed… 
#Rise #wisdom #wise #words #doomsday #justice #peace #fate #understanding #unity #world #changers #words #to #remember #secrets #lies #true #statements #truths #true #quotes #facts #of #life #liberty #American #Life #people #of #the #world
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"Feminism" It means different things for different people, but in reality, it only has one meaning…equality. It’s NOT about oppression or victimization, it’s about equality.

Yes, patriarchy made it harder to achieve true equality, but ultimately, so have those who claim to be feminists, then fight back with misandry.

True equality goes both ways, no misandry, no misogyny.

If you are a victim, try showing what you can overcome. THAT is empowering, no matter what you gender.

I cannot stress this last part enough. Ignore the trolls using big words like “Misogyny” and so on. They only make things worse.

Be the one to act differently.
We have to learn to understand each other. After all, despite popular belief, men and women have a lot in common. This means equality is possible…it just takes brains. #feminism #meninism #equality #world #changers #truth #patriarchy #society
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