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Deduction and Conclusion By Tony James Inspired by Sherlock - The Greatest Detective That Never Lived

Deduction is one of Sherlock Holmes’s best abilities but few have ever come close to replicating it as it is not an easy thing to learn and you have to be very observant to pull it off. That is unless you can observe things with detail in which what I’m about to say will make more sense. How do you observe with detail? Just look for evidence to provide you with a theory then add the evidence together and you have an analysis from which a conclusion can form.

Here’s an example of using deduction to build a conclusion: A body of a soldier lies before you, there’s a ring on their right hand so they must be married. Due to a dirt on their clothing, this shows they were recently outside and bloodstains indicate they took enemy fire. They are right handed because there are more people that are right handed than those that are left handed (also shown by the weapon held firmly in the victims right hand) and judging by the size of the wound they were shot at close range with a standard army grade pistol. His uniform the sign of his service to The British Army, the medals on his jacket a sign of his rank and status in the army. Bumps on head indicate victim was struck with the gun to daze him before fire and redness around neck indicates a failed attempt by the murderer to strangle the victim, which resulted in conclusion with the victim being hit, disorientated and shot in the chest, leaving little trace of blood on the ground and more blood on the victim due to proximity of the shot fired.    #deduction #thescienceofdeduction #Sherlock #Holmes #Sherlock #analysis #TalesofMiseryandMayhem #crime #fiction #how #to #and #style #tips #and #tricks #Observation #perspective #johnwatsonblog #john #watson #benedict #cumberbatch #martin #freeman #Detective #tips #observation #tips #deduction #tips
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