She loved her husband. She loved him so much. There was nothing she wouldn't do for him, so when he got in debt she'd join him at the bank to find some way to pay it all off and get a deferral. She went ahead of him, but when he got into the office only the manager was there. Strange. "Com- Come in!" the manager cried nervously, wiping the sweat off his brow. He seemed very distressed. "Apologies, it's ver- f- very HOT in here!" he said. He continued to squirm in his seat, acting remarkably weird, sweating, grunting sometimes, coughing.. "A deferral of a year is very, very.. Very good, so good.." he mumbled and closed his eyes. "Have you seen my wife?" the husband finally asked. "Your wif- fuck! Wife? Sorry, I have a cum- condicksu- conDITION!" he laughed frantically, making fists and rubbing them on his desk. "Are you all right sir?!" the husband asked, concerned now. Something was very wrong with this poor man's health! Sweating, giggling, he insisted they continue. "Your wife hmm, yes, yes.. She err- I DID see her, but she left I think?" the manager asked more than he told his client. Eventually, the husband mustered enough courage to ask for more time. Much more time. "I've already given you one year sir," the manager said, squeezing his eyes shut in pleasure, "One year- oh f- oh God! I'll be genero- fuck, one and a half? TWO! TWO years!" he surrendered loudly, bucking his hips, shivering, shaking, and undeniably - however ignorant the husband was - filling the wife's mouth with an incredible amount of hot cum. She didn't stop there, however. The manager thought he was out of the woods, but fuck if she didn't keep sucking his sensitive cock now! "Two? Two two two!" he kept saying, "Two and half?!" panting, scratching his desk now from the sensory overload. The wife kept working him, sucking and sucking him over and over in her cum-filled mouth, not letting up for nothing. "Three!" he broke, nearly nutting again, feeling the last possible drops being sucked forcibly from his exhausted balls. "Three is very, very, very good.." he repeated.. "On one condition sir: you'll have to meet me every month for updates, would that be fair?" - "More than fair!" the client agreed. And the manager shook his hand, still seated, and smiled as he felt a last lick between his balls from the husband's ever loving wife.