
Real Men Never Stop…Even when you are shaking, pushing me away as that little slight burn shoots down to your toes and you want me to just leave you alone now…Not gonna happen.Not on my watch.You are going to hate me for it. You are going to love me at the same time. When your endorphin rush comes back down and your shivers seem to end, I am adjusting, breathing heavily through my nose, setting up for the next one.You are in the batters box again and I just struck you out
Photo by snuggleslut0825 with the username @snuggleslut0825,  December 17, 2017 at 3:02 PM and the text says 'the-romantic-dominant:

Real Men Never Stop…Even when you are shaking, pushing me away as that little slight burn shoots down to your toes and you want me to just leave you alone now…Not gonna happen.Not on my watch.You are going to hate me for it. You..'