Hey! Its a crazy week with the holiday Thursday so I wanted to let you know I'll be on Tuesday night, all day Wednesday (until 6p central), Friday night and all day Saturday.

There's a contest those days and I've never placed in one so if you'd like to help me out by doing a show with me that would make my day. If you don't care and just want to fill my holes up, I'm up for that too lol

Either way I'm thankful for you. You let me do something I love everyday. You rock. Happy Thanksgiving
Photo by Sophia Sinclaire with the username @sophiasinclairex, who is a star user,  November 22, 2022 at 11:03 AM and the text says 'Hey! Its a crazy week with the holiday Thursday so I wanted to let you know I'll be on Tuesday night, all day Wednesday (until 6p central), Friday night and all day Saturday. 

There's a contest those days and I've never placed in one so if you'd like..'