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For all the delightfully funny things she shared with us, letting us watch her life happen for so many years, and to be so strong to begin with, this is her bravest moment.  I miss her, but I do feel good in the hope that this epiphany has helped her find peace… or if not yet, someday.  Stay strong.I like…. “ #‎emptychair‬ we can do better as a society… We can listen when those with courage do come forward…and we can stop blaming the victims. Victims are victims. Rapists are rapists “ Um, yeah…. Guys, yes this was 20 years ago, but you know you have not changed.  You that make all other REAL men look chauvinist and inhumane… LISTEN!!! No means no… AND yes means yes.  It’s called “consent,” a$$holes.  Society is, and relationships must be, a 2-way street.  This is no longer Mad Men.   EVOLVE, damnit!  EVOLVE! Ladies, speaking for guys like me, you are our world.  We aspire to you, we   worship you, inside and outside. We wish we could create life as you do.  All flattery aside, we admit we NEED you in such a primal way.  But there’s NO excuse for not respecting you.  Have no shame in what you do, feel, OR say. If you didn’t say “YES” it’s NOT your fault.…. And please stay safe on the Internet.  I don’t know the stats, but it seems like a much more dangerous world, now that it’s exponentially connected.  We’re not ready for this as a society & all have some catching up to do before we can EVOLVE!  Peace. #emptychair #no #means #no #yes #means #yes #karen #alloy #not #your #fault #brave ... See more