tumblr banning adult content december 17th housewifeswag:
tumblr has been a hell hole since yahoo took over. I remember all of us knowing this would eventually happen and here we are. It is, unfortunately, extremely common for companies to utilize sex workers to build a platform and then kick us off. I barely post here anymore as it is but this is where I started, even before I knew what a sex worker was. Back when we were just curating a sex-positive, body-positive, accepting and loving environment. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sad about this for everyone. Please follow your favorite creators elsewhere and support them as much as you can. Thank you to those of you who have supported me. Thank you for following me elsewhere and growing with me. twitter: twitter.com/housewifeswaginstagram: instagram.com/housewifeswagtwitch: twitch.tv/taylorhws #yahoo #is #an #actual #fucking #shit #hole #rip #tumblr
tumblr has been a hell hole since yahoo took over. I remember all of us knowing this would eventually happen and here we are. It is, unfortunately, extremely common for companies to utilize sex workers to build a platform and then kick us off. I barely post here anymore as it is but this is where I started, even before I knew what a sex worker was. Back when we were just curating a sex-positive, body-positive, accepting and loving environment. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sad about this for everyone. Please follow your favorite creators elsewhere and support them as much as you can. Thank you to those of you who have supported me. Thank you for following me elsewhere and growing with me. twitter: twitter.com/housewifeswaginstagram: instagram.com/housewifeswagtwitch: twitch.tv/taylorhws #yahoo #is #an #actual #fucking #shit #hole #rip #tumblr