Shared by Clarkes Boutaine
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Church of the Big Asses ./churchofthebigasses
121 Followers 57 Posts
Ginormous asses
hi everyone.
i wanted to address all the rampant rumors . yes. it's true. i love the fattest asses known to man.
i'm so sorry it took me so long to come forward . i'm so sorry i love asses that are fucking ginormous. i hope you can forgive me. i hope you realize i never had the intention to hurt anyone with my massive fucking dumptruck ass fetish. i hope you can understand.
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Shared by Clarkes Boutaine
Clarkes Boutaine
Shared by Clarkes Boutaine
Clarkes Boutaine
Shared by Clarkes Boutaine
Clarkes Boutaine
Pls post nice examples of the phat asses found in the Church of the Big Asses (women only).