With some out-of-town friends and family visiting over the next two weeks, I'll be a little light on my more sexy conten ... See more
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3.81K Followers 149 Posts
Soon enough, Instagram will follow Tumblr and ban all NSFW content. It is inevitable, but Sharesome is a safe ground for all your sexy content, explicit or non-explicit. So, Instagram refugees, welcome to your new home. This topic is the start of it all!
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I started an Insta account for some of my more mild stuff like this because I have a lot of cute outfits I want to show off for y'all in the future. If you follow me there, comment with a winky face so I know you came from Sharesome and you know I'm slutty 😘🤣
Hey y'all! Can't wait to get back to making videos! We're probably still about a week out though. 😢 More from my mild I ... See more