Shared by memoriesarethebest
Perfect Bodies ./perfectbodies
22.4K Followers 15.3K Posts
All about the perfect body porn! We want to show you the most perfect and erotic female bodies on the web!
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Posting Rules
Here, moderators can remove anything that is not beautiful and attractive according to their own beauty criteria. So don't be offended if your post is deleted.
Post PHOTO, VIDEO or GIF showing a perfect feminine body! With or without the face, most of the body have to be visible!
Even subtly, all the curves of the body's muscles must be present, such as the contours of the biceps and triceps of the arms, for example. Medium breasts pointed upwards. The dimensions of all parts of the body must be well proportioned to each other. Flat or approximately flat abdomen. No appearance of stretch marks.
Not allowed: Posts exclusively with men; Hardcore and its connotations.
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