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PETERPARKER181818 ./peterparker181818
5 Followers 0 Posts
... the symbiose control me, I am stronger than before, I can feel, the force, I'm black, I can see in the dark, nobody see me, my skin is hot...I am...horny right now, I want to remove this black suit, and fuck you like a little slut!
Oh well, I'm from ...NY ...but I very like this town!
I'm comming in your country for catching Venom, he's dangerous, He is here...somewhere...hiding some place!
His a reel vilain! If he found you, watch out sexy!
Girl, you don't even know what Venon capable and doing to you bitch!
Be awake, don't sleep, I will watchin you, you don't gonna see me, I'm a superhero, and nobody want to see me like that, the power is great!, but the inside is dark, and little by
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I’m in A sort of mutation ... mY viSION oF REALITY, this WoRld,,, tHe society, thE MEANNINg of existence, everything That I learn and that I know It’S NOT .WHAT I wAs thinKinG...NoT anymore, my concePtion of liFE the humanity, who we are, ?where DO we come from ?mY ViSiOn oF tHIS nEW reality, aLL THIS my knowledge oF liFE AnD aLL mY AMAZINg sUPER pOwERS THat GOd givE tO mE! ThaT day,tHis DAy,wHeN tHE sPiDER BItE mE AnD gIVe ME this forcE,THis unreaL stRaight,, aNd each daY, I leArn moRe, wOW to bE a BEter Hero,becauSE nobOdy is pERFECT and Peter Parker iS noT a ExcEption oF thosES sAyiNg,thAt tHey aRe aLmost God,,, buT thEy aRe NOt, anD never thEY will bE.anyWaY, there’s nO wAy to gO riGHT N