I really like this site. I just wish there were more normal people like me and my sweetie. There's nothing sexier than just someone being themselves, especially when it's in sexy lingerie. Hell. I even bougt a bunch of stuff I thought would turn on my gir. But shit happens. And then sexless partnering (in our case MF) happens and things downhill. I would love to hear from others of you, and frankly, women because I'm not sure what I'm doing wriong, but anyone who has advice. Long story, and if you want to hear it, I'll tell you, but not here in the open. Woldn't be fair to her....or me.

And yes, I'm adding a picture of me now, as a full grown Bulldog, and me clean shaven so you can see the diff. Tell me which one you like better (without the considration of me trying to look like a badass in my UGA hat and sunglasses).

I would really like your opinions.