I am following this person because I am awaiting for her to say something, anything really of substance.  I like this photo of her better then all the others but would have liked it more cropped at the shoulder and her looking into the camera.
Sex really is art.  We look at art to see a reflection of something in ourselves.  Great art touches us deeply and evokes an emotional response.  So what can evoke emotions and touch us more deeply ( no pun intended ) the allowing another person to penetra
Photo by A Breeding Male with the username @ABreedingMale,  May 5, 2012 at 6:48 AM and the text says 'I am following this person because I am awaiting for her to say something, anything really of substance.  I like this photo of her better then all the others but would have liked it more cropped at the shoulder and her looking into the camera.
Sex really..'