Online a few years ago I discovered male chastity.
I was intrigued, interested especially with Chastity/Cock Cages.
Over the next couple of years I learned more and then I wanted to do it. That was a year ago, I discussed it with my husband and he said no.
Saying no to me does not work! Saying No without an explanation or reason why? Uh uh, Now my full attention was upon this and I am relentless!
FINALLY, a few nights ago he said yes he would try it.
The weekend was upon us and I went online and eventually chose one (Pic below)
I have my eye on others but there is much to learn, rings, tube etc.
Hubby might think he's just going to try it and this is my answer -
"OH Pete, you done messed up BIG! A Year?!? A WHOLE YEAR You gave your loving wife to plan, overcome objections, find solutions for all the scenarios and know this - YOU will be punished!" 😈
Photo by Amy0Pete with the username @Amy0Pete,  February 7, 2022 at 4:38 AM and the text says 'Online a few years ago I discovered male chastity.
I was intrigued, interested especially with Chastity/Cock Cages.
Over the next couple of years I learned more and then I wanted to do it. That was a year ago, I discussed it with my husband and he said..'