Female Orgasm Denial Dare - Round 1 - Day 2 Today
went fairly well. Last night was a bitch I was so turned on I couldn’t
sleep and to add insult to injury it was a disgustingly humid day. I was
hot and sticky, not to mention dripping wet after writing last night’s
entry. I finally made it to sleep, but slept right through my alarm this
morning. Ended up having to stay home late to finish the load of
laundry I hadn’t finishing drying last night. I’m in a multi residential
unit, so it came to a point where I couldn’t continue without
disturbing the neighbours. Thankfully I’m on a flex schedule. I rolled my morning roll and got a 3 (Roll for one punishment. Other than that, absolutely no touching down there
a 1 for my punishment (I have to rub Tabasco sauce on my clit and sleep
with my legs spread.) I decided to wait until tonight to see if I had
to put the Tabasco somewhere other than my clit.  Since
I had to wait for my laundry I decided to start my chores while I
waited. I
managed to do most of what I’d assigned myself before I left for work. I
rolled a 4 for my pre-chore housework (hobbled.), so I cuffed my ankles
and chained them together. It was awkward, but not too bad.  Again
I was fine at work, but after I left I started anticipating tonight’s
punishment. Even though I know it will hurt, I’m still very excited.
I’ve put Tabasco on my clit before, but generally I can masturbate and  I
get relief as I start to get wet. No such luck tonight.  Since
I’d done well this morning, but still had some housework to do I
decided to do another pre-chore roll. This time I got an 8 (Wearing
small butt plug covered in vapor rub.) I covered the plug with the vapor
rub and went about my chores. The plug is garbage and has really badly
designed base, but pain in my ass almost immediately started me gushing.
I have already ordered a newer plug with a more body contouring flange.
I’m happy to report that I finish all my assigned chores and some of
tomorrows! Which is just as well since my bottom is still sore from
yesterday’s spanking. It’s a good kind of tenderness though. I’ve
re-written my chore list and hope to do as well tomorrow.Heading
to bed soon and have rolled again to see where I need to apply the
Tabasco. I rolled a 1 so it’s just going on my clit. I have to admit I’m
a little disappointed. But it’s probably just as well, I know that
eventually work is going to become hectic again and I won’t be able to
complete all Tease/Edges and punishments and then they will start to
pile up. Not to mention possible other punishments. When that happens
I’m sure I’ll be happy that I had this gentle start.   #chemical #play #dares #female #orgasm #denial #orgasm #denial #housework #punishment #round #1