Female Orgasm Denial Dare - Round 1 - Day 1 1/2 Now that I’ve decided to do this I’ve also decided that I’m going to chronicle my journey.I started the orgasm denial dare
yesterday and rolled a 3 for duration. I was disappointed, but told
myself that I can start all over again once the three days are up. If
I’m lucky I’ll roll a 6 on my next go around.My
pre-orgasm roll was a 4 (3 Orgasms). I find myself hoping I’ll roll a 5
next time (7 Orgasms) so I’m in an overstimulated forced orgasm
situation. It’s one of my major fantasies. Being tied down and having my
partner keep going even after I reach that over sensitive stage where I
can’t stand it anymore.I spent a good deal of the day playing with
myself, a major reason I didn’t get any house work done. Honestly the
dare and the housework punishments will probably conflict with each
other and that’s mostly by design to encourage punishments. I’m hoping
that I’ll prefer being horny to uncomfortable and will miss edges and OD
punishments to prolong my denial, rather that accept spankings.
Spankings excite me somewhat, but less than the OD punishments. There is
of course also a guilt associate to punishments event if their self
inflected. It’s one of the reason that I decided to open this blog so I
could record my succes/failure. Anyway back to my
orgasm denial. This morning I rolled a 12 (Orgasm). I was actually a
little disappointed that I didn’t have to wait. Then I rolled a 5 in the
orgasm section (Use the shower head on my clit during my next shower.) I
was okay most of the day, but got horny the second I left work. I
normally shower right before bed so it was a turn on knowing I’d have to
wait all evening.Then when I didn’t complete the
housework I’d planned (straightening up the front hall). I wrote myself a
chore schedule for the next 3 days. Nothing too crazy. I want something
achievable. Then I wrote up the Housework Punishment schedule and decided to roll the first punishment retroactively to give myself a taste.I rolled:3 - Ruler6 - X5 = 304 - Bare wet bottom5 - MediumI
got in the shower and completed the punishment, then gave myself an
orgasm. Punishment wasn’t horrible, but my bottom does sting. Hopefully
that will deter me from wanting to get a double punishment tomorrow. I’m
also hoping that which ever kink I roll will keep me interested.I
wish I’d decided to document this before I gave myself my orgasm since
writing this has made made me super excited again. Well of to bed I go, I
guess I can count on sweet dreams!   #dares #housework #punishment #orgasm #round #1 #spanking #self-spanking