Deduction and Observation by Tony James My analysis tends to dig deep into what you may not have discovered about yourself. I tend to look for signs the person displays sub consciously, which means I look into their thoughts and observe their thinking pattern and learn what makes them tick. As we all display and demonstrate signs about ourselves in our body that we don’t notice, the skill is to to notice those signs enabling one to detect lies, emotional response and all number of psychological indicators that give away someones personality. Truth be told, very few discover who they are fully, it it only when they are analyzed that they realize and discover something new about ourselves they never picked up on at first.  
In Sherlock for example, this skill is shown very clearly, he uses deduction to ponder on a few ideas, narrows it down and is able to tell almost more about a person than they know about themselves. Other types of observation allow for situational analysis, another ability seen executed by Sherlock.
With situational observation, Sherlock proves that you can do everything from winning a fight, to solving a crime, all with the right calculation, all with the right timing and all with the correct knowledge.    #Observation #Deduction #Sherlock #Holmes #Sherlock #Analysis #Psychology #intelligence #inspiration #knowledge #interesting #things #inspirational #people #personality #perception #clever #people #Clever #Things