ObeyTheMasterHand added a photo to the album Http://obeythemasterhand.
The thing I love most about hypnotism/mind control isn’t the “You will obey my every command” aspect. No, I’ll describe my favorite part of it all…
When I first sit her down, she’s so aware, awake, and alive. You can see her eyes moving around the room, attentive, alert. It’s subtle, natural, the way most people react when walking into a room. She’s taking in her surroundings, accepting where she is, adapting.
When I sit her down, she unconsciously does so much: she posit
The thing I love most about hypnotism/mind control isn’t the “You will obey my every command” aspect. No, I’ll describe my favorite part of it all…
When I first sit her down, she’s so aware, awake, and alive. You can see her eyes moving around the room, attentive, alert. It’s subtle, natural, the way most people react when walking into a room. She’s taking in her surroundings, accepting where she is, adapting.
When I sit her down, she unconsciously does so much: she posit