
Beginning robot conversion program.
Installing Three Laws protocol
Installing First Law: A robot must not harm. Register.Installing Second Law: A robot must obey orders as long as said orders comply with First Law. Register.Installing Third Law: A robot must sustain and protect itself as long as this complies with First and Second Laws. Register.
Begin Unit Programming
Robot Type: Drone Unit programmed for customizable service. Alias: DOLL.
Loading DOLL programming…
Dolls are playthingsDolls do not thinkDolls only obeyYou’re a good little doll
You love to be played with.You love to be programmed.You love to be rewired.
Programmed to serve.Programmed to please.Programmed to obey.
You like to give up control.You want to become a blank obedient doll for a Master.You wish to be a servant.You long to be commanded.You want to submit completely.
The mind patiently waits for command from Master.As soon as instruction is received the mind sends command information to the body and facilitates compliance.When body complies, the mind provides positive feedback to the body.Programming to obey and serve.All commands will be obeyed.
Doll has no desires other than obeying and serving master completely.At the word CLICK, Doll will be fully programmed.Finalizing programming.

CLICKDoll is fully programmed. Doll will confirm this by replying as follows.
“I am a robot DOLL. ‘Doll.exe’ active. Unit is programmed for obedience.I am a dollI am a machineI am programmed I am a robotI am programmed to serveI am programmed to pleaseI am programmed to obey”
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