My years in NYC 98-2001 They say love is blind while my case I guess it’s true16 years ago I was surfing the Internet at my home near Toronto Canadawhen I found a group on Yahoo for interracial relationshipslet’s say that I met someone I was really intrigued byHer name was Marie she was African-American living in New York Citywe began to talk more and more and feelings begin to deepenI had know idea how on going Internet chat room would bechanging my life and circumstances for the next three yearsAfter several weeks of video chatting we decided to meetour meeting place Ithaca New York about 5 our drive from Torontoit is a small college town not much to do there except maybe spit on the sidewalkI hopped in my white Nissan Maximaand drove for five hoursI am enough at this hotel and went insideI spoke to the clerk she had not arrived yet but go to our room and wait for her. I thought I was going to to get stood uptwo hours passed than three then fourfinally she arrived I knew it was her  when I seen her for 1st time.I was angry I was hurt and was thrilled to she was okay.but all I could think about was was kissing herI grabbed a hold of her and planted the most passionate kissI have ever given a woman my cock grew hard.she went and check in pay for the hotel roomwhen she came back out I kissed her again with the same passionwe could barely get our clothes off and for four hours straightall we did was talk and fuck and fuck some more.I knew I was in love with this womanand I spent every waking minute of that weekend with herour last night together was the Fourth of July 1998as the fireworks danced above our heads we laid naked on a blanket under a bridge making love with the fireworks above our headsThe next morning I returned to Toronto in tearsnot wanting to leave her driving home I was a messI don’t know how I made it back here  I was kind of a maniac on the roaddriving way to fast speeds between 120 and 145 miles an hourBut I made it back I did a five hour trip in about three hours and 45 mins.she called it when she got home and we talked and talkedwe told each other how much we missed the other for next few weeksAnd finally she said to me come to New York City just for a vistI told her it would take me a few weeks to come up with the moneybut I told her as soon as I could I would be back in her armsin my heart I felt I belonged with her I was about to make the biggest Gamble and risk of my heart that I have ever takenI bought a ticket on Amtrak train leaving from Toronto to Penn Station in New Yorkit was a 12 hour train ride my father drop me off the train stationAug 2nd 1998 at 10amsaying he’ll see me in two weeks but he didn’t know I did not know that the was I wouldn’t return until to canada till  2001I left everything behind my family my things everything I’ve known up to that point for chance at love sitting on the train nervous and scared to deathnot knowing what was ahead for me was the longest 12 hours of my lifethe train got held up at the Canadian US border for two hours because the people that have the right information to cross the borderSo in reality that 12 hour trip became 14I got off the train at Penn Station wide-eyedjust a kid who grew up in the countryhaving no talking fucking idea what I was doingBut there Marie stood waiting for me with open armsthey told her the train had been delayed and she was worriedif I was okay it was one I:30  am in the morning and I left at like 10 AM I was tired but excited and happy to see herWe drove around in her tiny red Dodge neonfor what seemed like hours but she had to work the next morningas were driving around she says my landlord doesn’t like strange men staying overnightso I have to seek you in I looked at her and said really why did the tell me this beforehandsee Marie was actually an Black Orthodox Jewish woman She had just been through a divorce  having men in single in a women home is big no no I did know the time wasI was just a rebound guy would make the biggest mistake of his lifeso I went along with it she stuck me in and and we hid me She says it’s only for two weeks I said okayas the day of my leaving to Toronto approachedI told her I didn’t want to leave her and she said okay Tom Stay I called my father and said I’m not coming homeHe was angry I can’t blame him but I knew I needed to do this I needed to trywe got our own place together a tiny apartment in Brooklynand I began to look for workShe did her job and eventually I went to mine Every Friday night we go to these dinners at people’s homes I go along with the fact she was telling the peoplethat I was thinking of becoming Jewish  she was showing me what was to be Jewishthat was never my intention my intention it was to just love the woman I was in love withLeaving these peoples homes I would leave first and head back to the apartment20 minutes later Marie would open the door and we make lovetearing each other’s clothes off and being animalsthe people above us and below us would complain to the landlordsBut we really didn’t care I thought we were in lovewell at least I was but I didn’t find this out years latershe not sure the same feelings for me.we moved to her three more times going all the way to Long Island at one point then back to Brooklyn always back to Brooklynearly 2001 she said let’s get married but you have to go home for six monthsso I can get the paperwork right and we can get married when I didn’t knowthat she had been seeing a Jewish man behind my back for months.When I left for Canada she didn’t even take me to the airportThe should sign right there something was wrong I found out I wasn’t going back after I’d gotten a promotion at workI called Her to share thew News Then grab my heart stomped on with this. she told me I’m getting married tomorrow and it’s not to memy faith won’t allow me to marry a GentileI cried and begged like a puppy wanting  a warm lapheartbroken after three years of fighting and loving this womanI was tossed aside like a soda can to the garbageI still have my job in New York so I was going to go backbut then 9/11 happened and I never went backI didn’t speak Marie for about four yearsshe apologized to me told me what she did was selfishI still hate the woman for what you did to me but it was my choiceI gambled and and I lostSince then I’ll take a chance on lovebut never to the same extent that I did with Marie #love #heartbreak #new #york #city