
All right, smiling won by a long shot, geeze. Who likes happy people? Not me.
I look like a goof. Beast hair.

Oh, wow. Look at that smile. Goof? Maybe. Adorable, sexy goof? Yeah…..shucks. #smiling #gpoy #ew #redhead #wild #mane
Photo by RedWineAndLube with the username @RedWineAndLube,  October 11, 2011 at 3:49 AM and the text says 'imarobeast:

All right, smiling won by a long shot, geeze. Who likes happy people? Not me.
I look like a goof. Beast hair.

Oh, wow. Look at that smile. Goof? Maybe. Adorable, sexy goof? Yeah…..shucks. #smiling  #gpoy  #ew  #redhead  #wild  #mane'