Hi, everyone,

I am reaching out to the Bisexual topic community to see if there are any heroes out there who would like to serve as moderators for the topic.

That would include:

- Checking into the topic regularly to make sure everything is okay.
- Giving friendly warnings to those who break posting rules.
- If necessary, banning anyone from the group who repeatedly violates posting rules.
- Helping to shape the posting rules.

Just comment, send me a message, or a moderation request.
Photo by Rocky Ballboner with the username @RockyBallboner,  September 5, 2019 at 4:52 PM. The post is about the topic Bisexual and the text says 'Hi, everyone,

I am reaching out to the Bisexual topic community to see if there are any heroes out there who would like to serve as moderators for the topic.

That would include:

- Checking into the topic regularly to make sure everything is okay...'