Why people don't pay for porn Everything is (still) the same.No matter how many lavish costumes, exotic locales, and extended dialogue people throw into a porn scene, it does not replace good acting. Yet the requirements of actors in a pornographic scene extend far beyond that of the usual. Sex is a very special thing, with its own special language of verbal and nonverbal utterances and movements ranging from almost unnoticeable to grand gesticulations of pleasure. These requirements are made entirely more difficult by the fact that, unlike erotic literature, film leaves very little to the imagination, yet it’s the imagination which conjures up images most suited for igniting an individual’s arousal. So how does one go about a porn scene convincingly? Here are some things which I think can make a world of difference.It’s very tricky to properly balance genuinity and drama. When someone is over-acting an orgasm, regardless if it’s genuine or not, the scene becomes painful to watch. This applies especially to robotic moaning which gives no indication of the rise or fall of pleasurable intensity. Conversely, someone who simply gives no indication of arousal is boring, even if it’s what they do naturally. See, here’s the problem with digital presentations of sex. A screen cannot transmit the actual feeling of orgasm, and without that, communication is limited to only the audial and visual channels. Whatever does not directly happen visually or audibly is simply not perceived, or rather, cannot be expected of a viewer to be perceived. So every action, every movement, every sound has to be altered to be cinematically effective without becoming overblown, which is a special skill that seems to often be discounted in a niche often not taken seriously.Then there’s the issue of balancing context with sex. A porn scene is usually many parts sex and one part context. But because of this, it takes an enormous amount of planning and execution to make such a brief context seem established throughout an entire scene. Sex should not be an interruption to, nor the end of, context, sexual or not. One of my biggest pet peeves is when a scene fades out after the lovemaking has concluded, with zero mention of the drama which was unfolding at the beginning. It makes me regret ever having watched the scene, as I could have just picked out any sex-only scene and not have to worry about keeping track of the context. And for instances where an intense emotional plot is developing, the sex should be noticeably affected by that context on an action-to-reaction basis. Needless to say, this takes an enormous amount of skill to pull off well, especially when acting has to contradict sexual pleasure.And what about the sex itself? This is where it’s almost always the same old boring stuff. Why does he have to last half an hour and still cum, while the girl moans for the same amount of time and doesn’t cum? Why does it even have to be the same in and out? What about fast in and slow out? Slow in and fast out? How about a sexy beat in a pattern of in all the way, partially out, in all the way, fully out? Or maybe a waltz, either in halfway-pause, in fully, fully out, or, in fully, out halfway-pause, out fully? Perhaps it could even be one of my personal favorites, which involves penetration at a speed so excruciatingly slow that it’s almost imperceptible? And not just for the initial entry, either. What about alignment? Most guys don’t seem to care about proper positioning for easy and full penetration of their partner. If alignment isn’t happening, then someone needs to move. As for lesbians, most girls don’t seem to know how to use a dildo, at least the ones who do it for the camera, and then the ones who do seem to have such a high pleasure threshold that I’m already overwhelmed and bored watching them go faster and faster and even faster without a discernible orgasm. Of course, great dildo usage is often contradicted by poor finger and tongue usage. Why poke at it like it’s something dirty? Why stiffen their fingers? Make love to vagina, don’t attack it and tickle it like a cheap vibrator. Advanced, detail-focused cunnilingus lessons should be mandatory. Use the flat of your tongue! Salivate, salivate, salivate. It’s okay to be messy. Don’t stop when she cums! Seriously, too often a girl demonstrates visually pleasing cunnilingus techniques only to show to everyone how insufficient her tongue is at finishing the job by switching to her fingers or a dildo. A porn scene is not a show of sluts. Porn actors need to demonstrate, and be allowed and/or scripted to demonstrate, a level of intelligence, elegance and social refinement that demands respect without needing to ask for it. The most outright violation of this aesthetic, of course, occurs when she takes a hard fucking and enjoys it. Unlike watching entire planets explode on film, watching a girl taking near-abusive intercourse tends to set a similar stereotype for all women, pornstar or not, naked or not, horny or not. While it can be relatively safe to assume the general public will think of a meth lab explosion as dangerous even after having watched it in a movie, this is not really the same for watching hard sex. So make it gentle, make it elegant, make it nice and sensual. And then when the time comes for wanting it harder, it’ll be something special to be requested and consented to, rather than something that is expected and renders guilt upon noncompliance.Finally, the concentration of a porn scene does not eliminate the requirement for at least one satisfactorily discernible yet slowly built up orgasm. This means all the scenes where the girl doesn’t cum, all the scenes where the guy ends up not having an orifice to jerk off into, all the scenes where a girl cums bajillions of times, all of those result in the lowering of porn’s value and uniqueness. They are something to laugh at or to be incredulous at, not something to cum to or to prepare for an orgasm. It doesn’t matter what fetish the scene focuses on, most of the time that focus virtually obliterates a sexual climax, and most of the time when a male is present, his orgasm makes the female’s orgasm unnecessary. So then people go about thinking that sex is a guy cumming on girls’ faces. It turns girls into prey. Porn becomes an instruction manual for the predator on catching prey. It’s no longer an art form, that incredible joy that is the reward of an orgasm a long time coming, an orgasm that means something both as an individual and contextual pleasure. If a scene focuses on a fetish, it by no means excuses the scene’s responsibility to present an orgasm or two, either. Focusing on feet does not exclude having great oral skills. Focusing on wam or massage does not exclude the need for naturally induced arousal.Myself? As an artist, I’m naturally prejudiced. Please pardon me. For my preferences I’ve picked and plucked all the little unnoticed things I appreciate in American, Hungarian and Japanese porn, as well as having appreciation for natural beauty, females, and a pleasurable life. I loathe pain just for the sake of pain, as if it were a beer drinking contest. When women wear makeup in porn, I always wonder why their pussy is then presented as is. Let’s be consistent. If there should be a standard for facial beauty, then there are very few vaginas in porn that are actually beautiful. If women should not have mustaches, then they should not have labia hair. If women should keep their hair neat and trimmed, then they should do so for their pubic hair too. If women’s lips should be straight, symmetrical and rouged, then so should their labia. It’s only fair, since a woman’s crotch in porn is as important as her face. Right? I prefer Japanese cuteness over American sexiness, but I’ll take American moaning patterns over Japanese or Hungarian any day, as long as it’s not over or underdone. I love Hungarian elegance in movement and sensuality in lovemaking, but when the time comes for orgasm, Americans know how to finish it off, while Japanese rarely give a hint of the moment of climax. Let’s see. Japanese talk way too much during sex, Americans talk much less during sex, and both say things that are so predictable and cliche for porn that it moves past boring to infuriating. Hungarians don’t really talk at all, making for the most sensual porn ever. If only they had American moaning patterns and their zest for finishing off what they started, then it’d be perfect. Finally, I am visually prejudiced. Simply saying it’s wet doesn’t necessarily make it wet, and isn’t going to make me believe it’s wet until I see it glistening, dripping, oozing, stringing, and flowing, which is what the Japanese love to do, and mostly overdo by trying to show it off with their fingers. I’m offended. I can see it’s wet, please don’t insult my intelligence by having to show it to me with your fingers touching and coming apart. Americans though, they tend to have the feminists raging for more natural porn, which means the amount of wetness has to be imagined rather than shown explicitly up close. Okay fine, but for me that rather takes the art out of it. And the Hungarians? They do it just right, but then ruin it by interrupting and ending the usage of their tongues as soon as their fingers or dildoes appear. #porn #pornography ... See more