Ya know, sometimes I’m just a little bit jealous (this won’t be sexy and I might type too many words). That sure looks plenty fun to play with. I mean, from a personal perspective. Like, if it were mine. Not mine as in “I own that shit”, or even bought it but - like, my own. There’s a whole lotta options can be done with that. And, as is the case with women, it’s super… um… alternative at all times. It’s a symphony and not just a drum beat. It’s Hendrix and not some shitty Bass player.

Now… I like my cock I’m not gonna trade it in. I’m not talking about taking hormones and growing tits here. No thanks. I’m an outtie. I go IN, I don’t get entered.

I’ve also been a chronic masturbator for eons by now. I’m gaining in age so I can’t quite pull this off any longer but I used to go for 6-10hrs at a time. Not necessarily edging but - most definitely keeping it going. Notably, I used to like to stand up from the chair and SLAM that fucker down on the desk real hard. I liked watching that quake through me. I liked knowing I’m harder than wood. And then I’d do some more appreciating. So, it’s not like I can’t get creative.

But a pussy? That’s just so much more interesting to masturbate with. Any maybe 20% of the women out there might masturbate the very same way. The other 80% do it all completely differently. I would bet those numbers not far off.

So what I’m saying is this:

Rejoice in what you are. Enjoy your time with that. Celebrate your good fortune. You’ve got a pussy!! Hurray!

Now stop buying all those toys cuz men need to be needed as well. Ya cunts.

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