
A shadow shot of yours truly. Wrapping up a 6mo treck around the nation, following a cascading set of disasterous dominos that thought to cripple me eternally.

Instead. I rose above it.

I went on from there (3yrs ago) to be the best self I've ever been, by choosing to immerse myself within the circumstances of others to a far greater degree than myself. And then got hammered in the face several more times, now finding myself here with the rest of you, dealing with a seemingly endless avalanche of horribly knee-capping scenarios burying us beneath the most substantial mess this country has ever known (circumstantially, and given the history already fought and paid for, I would consider the potential loss of all of that prior effort the most heinous encounter we've ever met as a people. Which is not to diminish the pain and perserverance our Greatest Generation or those who fought through the Civil War endured, but rather to recognize their sacrifices more exactingly).

One thing you learn about The Human Condition however, the longer you spend within it and observing it? You learn that the resilient nature of our general populous is astonishing. And the long arc of progression is unbending, once measured accurately in hindsight.

We WILL perservere.

The only question is. What side of history will YOU be on?

Are you a We?
Or a Me?

Photo by XXplorher with the username @XXplorher-some,  August 29, 2020 at 8:28 PM. The post is about the topic Certain for Hurtin and the text says 'Ascension.

A shadow shot of yours truly. Wrapping up a 6mo treck around the nation, following a cascading set of disasterous dominos that thought to cripple me eternally. 

Instead. I rose above it.

I went on from there (3yrs ago) to be the best self..'