It’s not easy to come to terms with what you’ve become is it Sissy?
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For us sissy beta bois the transition from fantasy to reality can be incredibly shocking, horrific, traumatic, and painful on many levels of our being and becoming…especially if we are not properly prepared and programmed for making the transition. The key is to train ourselves so fully and so deeply that we have already transformed so much of our inner being that the reality of who we really are will come to us with joy instead of pain. To do this we must fully awaken to our true sissy selves and our desired and need to fulfill our true purpose in being used, abused, owned and enslaved by all ALPHA MALES. We must get that in the depths of our being, not just in our minds. We must also transform our relationship to fear and pain, no longer seeing them as bad but actually feeling erotic pleasure from them. I was blessed to have found a hypno training that helped me do all this…the Queue Balls Hypno Audio program ( The secret to using this program for this kind of effect is to listen to all four hypno audio files in their proper order and following the instructions given in the files…and…this is primary…listen to the files everyday for at least 45 days straight without a break. The reason for this is that it takes 45 days of repeating an activity for the brain to lay the neural pathways to solidify it in our psycho-neuro-bio-energetic system. #Queue-Balls