
bbpnp added a photo to the album Cjgravel.

Me and my baby Dog, Relaxing, Enjoying Life, Best Friends, Enjoying Life, Respect, Unconditional Love, eevee playing Hanging Out by clovis jonathan gravel on EyeEm #Dog #Relaxing #EnjoyingLife #BestFriends #Respect #UnconditionalLove #HangingOut
Photo by bbpnp with the username @bbpnp,  April 6, 2016 at 3:26 AM and the text says 'Me and my baby Dog, Relaxing, Enjoying Life, Best Friends, Enjoying Life, Respect, Unconditional Love, eevee playing Hanging Out by clovis jonathan gravel on EyeEm #Dog  #Relaxing  #EnjoyingLife  #BestFriends  #Respect  #UnconditionalLove  #HangingOut'